prince albert yew是什么意思 prince albert yew的中文翻译、读音、例句

prince albert yew是什么意思 prince albert yew的中文翻译、读音、例句

prince albert yew的意思是"智利杉",还经常被翻译为网络,在线发音:[princealbertyew],prince albert yew在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到62个与prince albert yew相关的例句。

Prince Albert yew的词典翻译


例句:It felt like having a go at the real Queen and Prince Albert. (感觉就像是跟真的女王和阿尔伯特亲王碰面呢)

例句:Did a prince really kiss me? (# 王子真的吻了我吗? # # Did a prince really kiss me? #)


prince albert yew一般作为名词使用,如在Prince Albert yew([网络] 智利杉)、Prince Albert's yew([网络] 阿尔伯特王子的红豆杉)、Prince Albert(双排扣的男长礼服;阿尔伯特亲王)等常见短语中出现较多。

Prince Albert yew[网络] 智利杉
Prince Albert's yew[网络] 阿尔伯特王子的红豆杉
Prince Albert双排扣的男长礼服;阿尔伯特亲王
Prince Albert Mountains[地名] 艾伯特亲王山 ( 南极洲 )
Prince Albert Road[地名] 艾伯特亲王罗德 ( 南非 )
prince albert yews[网络] 智利杉\n(prince albert yew 的复数)
Lane's Prince Albert[网络] 巷的阿尔伯特王子
prince albert mts.亚伯特王子山脉
Prince Albert Pen.[地名] 艾伯特亲王半岛 ( 加 )


1. Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David. (翻译:是Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David)

2. And dance before the Prince (翻译:# 还要王子面前跳舞 # # And dance before the Prince #)

3. What a prince would envision? (翻译:# 王子想要的样子呢? # # What a prince would envision? #)

4. Prince, Head, all American brand names. (翻译:比如说Prince, Head, 都是美国的品牌)

5. Albert, that was the deal. (翻译:Albert, that was the deal.)

6. Hey, Prince Albert, you know what time it is? (翻译:嗨 ALBERT王子 你知道现在几点了吗?)

7. So Albert and I will work out a way of blowing him out clean. (翻译:Albert和我会想办法来个干净的收尾 So Albert and I will work out a way of blowing him out clean.)

8. Christmas really took off for the Victorians because of the influence of Prince Albert and the German tradition of the Tannenbaum Christmas tree。(翻译:保罗解释道,“圣诞节这一习俗是在维多利亚时期受到阿尔贝亲王与德国传统的坦南鲍姆圣诞树双重影响所普遍开来的。)

9. Albert Stroller. Habitual gambler. (翻译:Albert Stroller 赌场老手)

10. I did not kill Albert Magnuson. (翻译

11. One, you get to Albert and put an end to him. (翻译:第一 你抢在Albert White杀你之前 解决他 One, you get to Albert and put an end to him.)

12. The Queen had one of these taken with Prince Albert. (翻译:女王和艾伯特王子一起拍过一张 The Queen had one of these taken with Prince Albert.)

13. You know, Joseph, what I like about Albert White? (翻译:Joseph 你知道我喜欢Albert White什么吗 You know, Joseph, what I like about Albert White?)

14. - You heard of Albert White? (翻译:- 听说过Albert White吗 - 你话太多了 傻逼 - You heard of Albert White?)

15. In the 19th century, Prince Albert had created Albertopolis. (翻译:在19世纪,Albert王子 建立了Albertopolis城。)


prince albert yew作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、prince、albert、yews等。

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