private equity buyout通常被翻译为"网络"的意思,作为名词时有"私有化收购"的意思,在线读音是[privateequitybuyout],private equity buyout来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到80个与private equity buyout相关的例句。
Private equity buyout的翻译
例句:The bank recently announced it had been unable to agree a deal with private equity groups. (爱尔兰银行不久前曾宣布,它未能与私人股本集团达成相关交易。)
例句:In recent years, as foreign capital coming in a continuous stream, the VAM frequently appears in the private equity investment. (近年来,随着外国资本纷至沓来,对赌协议的身影频频出现在国外私募股权基金对华投资领域。)
private equity buyout一般作为名词使用,如在private equity(私募股权;私人股本)、buyout(控制股权收购,买断;全部买下;并购)、private equity firm([网络] 私人股权公司;私人股权投资公司;私人直接投资公司)等常见短语中出现较多。
private equity | 私募股权;私人股本 |
buyout | 控制股权收购,买断;全部买下;并购 |
private equity firm | [网络] 私人股权公司;私人股权投资公司;私人直接投资公司 |
private equity fund | 私募股权基金 |
private equity funding | [网络] 私募股权投资 |
employee buyout | [网络] 员工收购;职工收购股权;雇员收购 |
federal buyout | [网络] 联邦收购 |
leverage buyout | 杠杆收购 |
leveraged buyout | n. 融资收买, 融资买入 |
1. Just like private equity, distressed debt investors are used to playing hardball to get their way. (翻译:与私人股本公司一样,不良债务投资者也惯于使用强硬手段,随心所欲。)
2. Despite the buyout, Matteo Marzotto will be remaining as chairman of Valentino. (翻译:并购之后Matteo Marzotto 仍将留任 公司董事局主席)
3. FOR the past few years the wild men of private equity have rampaged through the public markets. (翻译:在过去几年中,疯狂的私募基金人狂野的冲击着公共市场。)
4. he said, adding that the private bank had not told clients to reduce their equity exposure. (翻译:“我们不希望陷入恐慌性抛售中”,他说,私人银行并没有劝客户们减持其股票投资。)
5. Washington-based Carlyle is one of a few powerful private equity groups actively scouting for Chinese companies. (翻译:一些实力强大的私人股本集团正积极网罗中国企业,总部位于华盛顿的凯雷便是其中之一。)
6. Since 2000 Mr Dauman and Mr Dooley have run a private-equity firm together. (翻译:xx年以来,Dauman和Dooley共同营运一家私人股本公司。)
7. ETIC officials say it is no rival to private equity, since it funds firms that private equity on its own would avoid. (翻译:ETIC官方人士说它不是私募基金的竞争者,因为它投资的公司是私募基金本身所避免的。)
8. The private-equity industry, the bete noire of many a European politician, managed just $81 billion of buy-outs. (翻译:私募股权行业是许多欧洲政客的狂欢,仅进行了810亿美元的收购。)
9. This year's top firm was Waterland Private Equity, a Dutch group founded in 1999, which received a score of 2.42. (翻译:今年拔得头筹的是xx年成立的荷兰公司Waterland Private Equity,得分2.42。)
10. Other headlines that have recently reached South Africa were Bain Capital and KKR, the big boys of private equity. (翻译:最近南非的头条新闻是 私募领域大老的贝恩资本和KKR资本抵达南非)
11. Such firms were too big to be a target of private equity, even at its most hubristic. (翻译:这样的大公司由于足够大很难成为私募股权的目标,即使在他们自满自大的时候。)
12. "China welcomes private equity capital and is a great market for Carlyle, " the private equity firm's spokesman Christopher Ullman said. (翻译:巴克莱的发言人ChristopherUllman说,中国欢迎私募股权资本,并且中国对于巴克莱是一个巨大的市场。)
13. Selwyn Gishen is a trader with more than 15 years of experience trading forex and equities for a private equity fund. (翻译:塞尔温·基什是一家私募基金交易员,有着xx年多的外汇和股票交易经验。)
14. There is often less criticism of western private equity firms than of private Russian enterprises. (翻译:相比之下,人们对俄罗斯私营企业的批评,比西方私人股本公司受到的批评还多。)
15. Nufarm is one of several agrochemical companies targeted by private-equity firms amid an industry consolidation. (翻译:Nufarm是行业并购中被私人资本运营公司关注的几家农用化学品公司之一。)