例句:Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out. (接种疫苗和其他预防措施可以实施。)
例句:Many operations are preceded by prophylactic doses of antibiotics. (很多手术的进行 需要预防性剂量的抗生素 )
1. Prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents could not decrease the incidence of VAP. (翻译:预防性使用抗菌药物不能降低VAP的发生率。)
2. A thigh tourniquet, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics, and low-molecular-weight heparin anticoagulation were used in all patients. (翻译:所有的病人在大腿上应用止血带、预防性应用抗生素、低分子肝素抗凝。)
3. OBJECTIVE:To discuss the practical effect of a new prophylactic pattern in cardiac and cerebral vessels ischemic diseases in senium. (翻译:目的:探讨新预防模式对老年人缺血性心脑血管病的实际预防效果。)
4. Observation of prophylactic laser peripheral iridotomy for primary acute angle closure glaucoma (翻译:激光周边虹膜切除术预防闭角型青光眼急性发作临床观察)
5. If I was half as ugly as you, Sergeant Major I'd be a poster boy for a prophylactic. (翻译:如果我有你一半丑陋的话,士官 我就会是个张贴广告明星了)
6. Many surgical centers have abandoned the routine administration of prophylactic anti- emetics to every patient. (翻译:现在,很多手术中心已经不常规对每个病人使用抗呕吐药物。)
7. Between you and me, she wouldn't know a sheik from a prophylactic by the same name. (翻译:私下跟你说 伊莉丝卡夫对中东局势 根本一窍不通)
8. Objectives We tended to evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics for preventing meningitis in patients with BSF. (翻译:目的评价颅底骨折患者预防性使用抗生素预防脑膜炎的效果。)
9. We know, take prophylactic to be able to make continuously menstrual intermit . (翻译:我们知道,连续服用避孕药可使月经暂时停止。)
10. The Danish Polyposis Register was founded in 1971 and coordinates screening and prophylactic treatment. (翻译:丹麦息肉注册成立于xx年和协调检查和预防性治疗。)
11. Does abortive hind take prophylactic to you can cause disease of department of gynaecology? Can infecund ? (翻译:流产后服用避孕药会不会引发妇科病?会不会不孕?)
12. Discussion on prophylactic measures of occupational dimethyl formamide hazard in imitation-leather industry (翻译:仿皮行业二甲基甲酰胺职业危害预防措施探讨)
13. Study on the Prophylactic Effects of Dibutyryl cAMP on Pulmonary Smoke Inhalation Injury in Rats (翻译:双丁酰cAMP对大鼠烟雾吸入性肺损伤的防治作用)
14. The only role for prophylactic amiodarone is in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery. (翻译:胺碘酮的唯一预防性使用适应症是心脏外科手术期间。)
15. Experimental Study of Prophylactic Effect of Lactulose on Hepatic Encephalopathy and Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy (翻译:乳果糖对临床及亚临床肝性脑病预防作用的实验研究)