push across是什么意思 push across的中文翻译、读音、例句

push across是什么意思 push across的中文翻译、读音、例句

push across的中文解释是"推动",在日常中也代表"促成"的意思,单词读音音标为[pushacross],push across在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到96个与push across相关的句子。

Push across的释义


例句:Montgomery did push Rommel clear across North Africa. (毕竟,蒙哥马利确实迫使隆美尔越过北非撤退)


例句:♪ And touch and push, And touch and push. (五,六,七,八 我抓,我推! 我抓,我推!)


push across一般作为名词使用,如在across(横穿 )、push ... on(na. 费力地前进;赶快完成任务等\n[网络] 推进;推动;努力向前)、push at(用力推; 把…推向…)等常见短语中出现较多。

push ... onna. 费力地前进;赶快完成任务等\n[网络] 推进;推动;努力向前
push at用力推; 把…推向…
push by从(某人)身边挤过去
push for奋力争取
push in粗鲁地打断
push into推进,推动(做某事)
push itna. 死乞白赖地要求\n[网络] 推它;按下它;推开
push on推动, 推进, 匆匆向前


1. ♪ dry lightning cracks across the skies ♪ (翻译:♪Dry lightning cracks across the sky♪)

2. Sweeping across the forest floor. (翻译:sweeping across the forest floor. 扫过森林的地表)

3. Pull. Have you got any friends with push like that? (翻译:Have you got any friends with push like that?)

4. Push them both down toward you. (翻译:把它们往下拉 Push them both down toward you.)

5. Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street (翻译:Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street)

6. I'm set on 5% cuts across the board. (翻译:Im set on 5% cuts across the board)

7. Just arrived by push boat. (翻译:推船最近才把货送到 Just arrived by push boat.)

8. Please, do not push me away! (翻译:请你不要把我推开! Please, do not push me away!)

9. ? And the church bells are ringing all across the world ? (翻译:And the church bells are ringing all across the world)

10. And get us across the border. (翻译:带我们越境回国 and get us across the border.)

11. - We going to get across in this? (翻译:-我们从这出去 - 是的 - We going to get across in this?)

12. When you're pitching, you have your push-off leg and your landing leg. (翻译:you have your push -off leg and your landing leg.)

13. In 2011, the Arab Spring Revolutions swept across the Middle East; (翻译:the Arab Spring Revolutions swept across the Middle East;)

14. If they really wanted to, they could push these trees over. (翻译:they could push these trees over.)

15. " Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land " (翻译:? Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land ?)

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