realise是什么意思 realise的中文翻译、读音、例句

realise是什么意思 realise的中文翻译、读音、例句



- 在日常生活中,我们常用realise表达自己意识到或发现了某件事情或情况。

- 在商业或政治环境中,realise也可以表示“实现、达成”,例如The company hopes to realise a profit this year.(公司希望今年能够实现盈利)。


- realise a dream/goal/ambition(实现梦想/目标/抱负)

- realise the importance/significance(认识到重要性/意义)

- realise one's mistake/error(意识到自己的错误)

- come to realise(渐渐意识到)


- realise potential(发挥潜力)

- realise value(实现价值)

- self-realisation(自我实现)

- realisation of assets(资产变现)





1. He finally realised his dream of becoming a successful businessman. (他终于实现了成为一名成功商人的梦想。)

2. It took me a long time to realise how important family is. (我花了很长时间才意识到家庭的重要性。)

3. We need to realise that our actions have consequences. (我们需要认识到我们的行为会产生后果。)




例句:The company insisted it had taken this long for it to realise the seriousness of the threat. (索尼坚持认为它已经用了足够长的时间来认识到这次危机的严重性。)


例句:That was uncalled for. I realise it was a joke, but still... (那些问题一点必要都没有 我知道那只是个笑话,但是...)


例句:Mrs Bronson, you don't seem to realise... (布朗森夫人,你似乎没意识到... ...)


例句:It's important to realise that we don't have that long. (翻译:重要的是要实现的重要 我们没有那么长的时间。)


1. Mrs Bronson, you don't seem to realise... (翻译:布朗森夫人,你似乎没意识到... ...)

2. It's important to realise that we don't have that long. (翻译:重要的是要实现的重要 我们没有那么长的时间。)

3. Well, I realise what I need to do. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\bord1\shad0\b0}现在我意识到自己到底该做什么了 Well, I realise what I need to do.)

4. Jane, I realise this is an unusual request, but if there is something illegal going on in this company, (翻译:珍 我知道也许这个请求很过分 但是如果我们的公司真有什么违法的事情)

5. You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea. (翻译:你所问的问题只会了解到当时思想的愚昧。)

6. L realise he needs somebody... (翻译:我意识到,他需要一个人,为他排解孤独的等待)

7. Because I think that way, it won't be easy to realise, (翻译:因为我觉得那样不会太过挑剔 而且超容易实现)

8. You don't realise the efect you have on a woman. (翻译:您没有要意识到你对一个女人的efect。)

9. I didn't realise the matter would be dragged so far. (翻译:我不敢想像 像你这样的贵人也会到我们这种地方来!)

10. I dont know, but they didn't seem to realise what they did. (翻译:我不知道,但他们没有 似乎意识到自己在做什么。)

11. I realise that nothing is free in this world, even between colleagues. (翻译:我意识到天下没有免费的 午餐即使同僚之间也是)

12. When will the government realise we have a valid contribution to society? (翻译:政府什么时候才能意识到 年轻人也能为社会做贡献)

13. I realise that it's actually what happens along the way that counts. (翻译:我意识到实际上这一路上所发生的才是最重要的)

14. You know, what you have to realise is that you are uniquely independent. (翻译:你知道,您必须要认识到 你是唯一独立行动的)

15. It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over. (翻译:并不需要多少洞察力也能意识到面试已经结束了。)



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