rothschild family是什么意思 rothschild family的中文翻译、读音、例句

rothschild family是什么意思 rothschild family的中文翻译、读音、例句

rothschild family通常被翻译为"罗斯查尔德家族、罗斯柴尔德家族"的意思,其中文解释还有"罗斯柴尔德家族的借用"的意思,发音是[rothschildfamily],rothschild family来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到60个与rothschild family相关的例句。

Rothschild family的翻译


例句:After all, even I belong to this family. (even I belong to this family.)


例句:They drank a 1964 Lafite Rothschild with, uh, pizza. (他们喝xx年的拉菲 配上... ... 呃 披萨)


例句:He wants us to be a family. (He wants us to be a family.)、罗斯柴尔德家族的借用

例句:Russell is a part of this family. (翻译:Russell is a part of this family.)


rothschild family一般作为名词使用,如在Rothschild family([网络] 罗斯柴尔德家族;罗斯查尔德家族;罗斯柴尔德家族的借用)、Rothschild(n. 闻名的犹太财阀\nn. (Rothschild)人名;(德、匈、罗、以、法、瑞典、荷)罗特席尔德;(英)罗思柴尔德)、Mouton Rothschild([网络] 木桐;木桐酒庄;武当王)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rothschild family[网络] 罗斯柴尔德家族;罗斯查尔德家族;罗斯柴尔德家族的借用
Rothschildn. 闻名的犹太财阀\nn. (Rothschild)人名;(德、匈、罗、以、法、瑞典、荷)罗特席尔德;(英)罗思柴尔德
Mouton Rothschild[网络] 木桐;木桐酒庄;武当王
Dorothy Rothschild Parker[网络] 多萝西罗斯柴尔德派克
dorothy rothschild parkers[网络] 多萝西罗斯柴尔德派克\n(dorothy rothschild parker 的复数)
Rothschild's sign[医] 罗思柴耳德氏征(肺结核及甲状腺机能不全的体征)
of family出身门第高的
dicot family[网络] 双子座家庭
Didot Family[网络] 迪多家族


1. He wants us to be a family. (翻译:He wants us to be a family.)

2. Russell is a part of this family. (翻译:Russell is a part of this family.)

3. Because nothing else in history more aptly demonstrates the cunning of the Rothschild family than their control of the British stock market after Waterloo. (翻译:没有别的更贴切的历史能证明 罗斯柴尔德家族在滑铁卢战役之后 狡猾地控制了英国的股市)

4. Rothschild: I see you made it past the buffoons. (翻译:看来你搞掂了那群小丑了。)

5. What matters more than family? (翻译:What matters more than family?)

6. I'd like a bottle Of your 1982 chateau lafite rothschild, please. (翻译:我点一瓶xx年的 罗斯柴尔德拉斐堡酒 谢谢)

7. Finally, she left her family. (翻译:she left her family.)

8. Supposed to be family time. (翻译:Supposed to be family time.)

9. Everything is a priority except your family (翻译:Everything is a priority except your family)

10. But, Russell needs a family. (翻译:Russell needs a family.)

11. We didn't know why, and our family doctor (翻译:and our family doctor)

12. By the end of the 19th century, one expert estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world. (翻译:到了19世纪末,一位专家估计 罗斯柴尔德家族控制世界财富的一半)

13. One day, we could become a family. (翻译:we could become a family.)

14. Hello. Welcome to the family. (翻译:Welcome to the family.)

15. After all, he will carry on the family name. (翻译:he will carry on the family name.)

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