1. 含义:GMIS是全球制造业信息化峰会(Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit)的缩写,是一个世界级的制造业盛会,旨在促进制造业技术、创新和可持续发展。
- The GMIS is a platform to discuss and develop practical solutions for the empowerment of global manufacturers. (GMIS是一个讨论和开发全球制造商赋权实际解决方案的平台。)
- The GMIS highlights the role of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in advancing economic and social development. (GMIS强调第四次工业革命技术在推进经济和社会发展中的作用。)
2. 发展历程:GMIS创立于xx年,由阿联酋工业发展局与联合国工业发展组织共同发起成立。
- The GMIS has grown rapidly since its inception, with over 3,000 participants from 40 countries attending the last summit. (自成立以来,GMIS快速增长,上届峰会有来自40个国家的超过3,000名参与者。)
- The success of GMIS has led to the establishment of similar events around the world. (GMIS的成功促使全球范围内类似的活动的建立。)
3. 举办地点:GMIS每年都会在不同的地方举行,以促进全球范围内的参与和知识交流。
- The 2021 GMIS will be held in Hanover, Germany, with the theme of "Rewiring Societies: Repurposing Digitalisation for Prosperity". (xx年的GMIS将在德国汉诺威举行,主题为"重构社会:将数字化重新定位为繁荣的动力。")
- The 2019 GMIS was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, with the theme of "Nature-Inspired Technologies". (xx年的GMIS在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行,主题为"自然灵感的技术。")
4. 参与对象:GMIS吸引了全球范围内的政府机构、企业、学术界和科技媒体等各方面的参与。
- The GMIS provides a networking platform for policy-makers, business leaders, and academics to share ideas and collaborate on solutions. (GMIS为决策者、商业领袖和学者提供了一个交流平台,以共享想法并协作解决方案。)
- The GMIS attracts leading experts and innovators from around the world to showcase their latest technologies and discuss emerging trends. (GMIS吸引来自世界各地的领先专家和创新者展示他们的最新技术并讨论新兴趋势。)
5. 影响力:GMIS在全球制造业和工业发展领域拥有广泛的影响力,推动了制造业数字化和可持续发展的进程。
- The GMIS has become a key platform for promoting sustainable manufacturing and industrial development globally. (GMIS已成为在全球范围内促进可持续制造和工业发展的重要平台。)
- The GMIS contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by promoting innovation and technology transfer in manufacturing. (GMIS通过在制造业中促进创新和技术转移为联合国可持续发展目标做出贡献。)
例句:At last, please send us some sample, between 500gm to 1kg, to us, for our confirmation. (最后请寄500克-1千克样品给我们,以便我们确认。)
例句:in the slow , well - ordered world of gm , bunkie knudsen had flourished. (在那种慢条斯理,有条不紊的通用公司的天地里,努赤得以发迹。)
例句:A fetus of 20 weeks gestation or a fetus weighing 500 gm is considered an abortus. (胎儿孕周小于20周或胎儿体重小于500克的称为流产胎。)
例句:They found that their Gm allotypes could be divided into two groups, one of which also corresponded to the genetic typing of Central and South American Indians. (翻译:他们发现,他们的转基因同种异体可分为两组,其中一组也与中美洲和南美洲印第安人的基因分型相对应。)
1. A fetus of 20 weeks gestation or a fetus weighing 500 gm is considered an abortus. (翻译:胎儿孕周小于20周或胎儿体重小于500克的称为流产胎。)
2. They found that their Gm allotypes could be divided into two groups, one of which also corresponded to the genetic typing of Central and South American Indians. (翻译:他们发现,他们的转基因同种异体可分为两组,其中一组也与中美洲和南美洲印第安人的基因分型相对应。)
3. '[gm99nd] will do what is in its economic interest, "Rubenstein said." (翻译:鲁宾斯坦说,[gm 66nd]会根据自己的经济利益来行动的。)
4. Mam gum gm drunk "m (tom at None Dame. (翻译:大部分时间都在巴黎圣母院门前喝得烂醉 Mainly just got drunk in front of Notre Dame.)
5. In January, [gm99nd] said it had been hit by a major cyberattack that resulted in the loss of intellectual property. (翻译:今年xx月,[gm66nd]称其受到严重网络攻击,导致知识产权受损。)