'pae' 不是一个通用的单词或短语。可能需要更多上下文信息来理解这个术语的含义。请提供更多的信息或上下文。
1. 우리 옛날부터 몸 속 PAE를 중요하게 여기며 건강한 식습관을 유지했습니다.
2. 요즘에는 PAE 아래에 특정한 자극점이 있다고 알려져 있습니다.
3. 한국 전통 음식 중에는 PAE 주변의 기름을 제거한 건강한 요리가 많이 있습니다.
4. 이 음식은 PAE 부근에 위치한 신체기관을 강화하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
5. 운동을 할 때에는 PAE를 중심으로 근육을 단련하는 것이 좋습니다.
6. 다이어트를 할 때는 PAE를 중심으로 하는 운동이 체중 감량에 효과적이다.
7. 여러 가지 건강 문제는 PAE의 상태와 밀접한 관련이 있을 수 있습니다.
8. 지난 해에는 PAE 기반의 건강관리 시스템을 개발하는 연구가 진행되었습니다.
9. 이제는 PAE에 대한 연구가 더욱 집중되고 있습니다.
1. The company's finances began to pae after several unsuccessful ventures. (公司的财务状况在几次不成功的尝试后开始崩解。)
2. The athlete suffered from pae during the marathon and had to withdraw from the race. (这名运动员在马拉松比赛中出现了崩溃症状,不得不退出比赛。)
3. The country's economy is on the verge of pae due to the ongoing political turmoil. (由于持续不断的政治动荡,这个国家的经济即将崩溃。)
例句:All you have to do is install PAE kernel package. (你所要做的就是安装pae内核包。)
例句:The wet-strength properties of three thin handsheets made of hemp pulp, softwood pulp and mulberry pulp with the wet-strength resin (PAE) as the additive were studied. (研究了PAE用量、热固化时间和温度对麻浆、桑皮浆和针叶木化学浆手抄薄型纸湿强度特性的影响。)
例句:The post antibiotic effect (PAE) of grepafloxacin, a new 5-methyl-substituted fluroquinolone, was compared with that of ofloxacin. (本研究比较了一种5-甲基取代的氟喹诺酮格帕沙星与氧氟沙星的体外抗生素后效应。)
例句:The PAE of apramycin combined with amoxicillin or ampicillin were additive effect or synergetic effect on three bacteria in vitro and vivo. (翻译:安普霉素与阿莫西林、氨苄西林联用后对三种细菌的体内、外PAE呈现相加或协同作用。)
pae一般作为名词使用,如在pe pae(枇杷)等常见短语中出现较多。
pe pae | 枇杷 |
1. The post antibiotic effect (PAE) of grepafloxacin, a new 5-methyl-substituted fluroquinolone, was compared with that of ofloxacin. (翻译:本研究比较了一种5-甲基取代的氟喹诺酮格帕沙星与氧氟沙星的体外抗生素后效应。)
2. The PAE of apramycin combined with amoxicillin or ampicillin were additive effect or synergetic effect on three bacteria in vitro and vivo. (翻译:安普霉素与阿莫西林、氨苄西林联用后对三种细菌的体内、外PAE呈现相加或协同作用。)
3. PAE is stable over generations and has been suggested to be caused by unequal crossing-over. (翻译:PAE突变能在世代间稳定传递,其产生机制可能为等位基因间的不等交换。)
4. Both Gang Pae and Su Ta(KJH) got slimmer than before. Well, the schedule is really tight, and both hardly eat. (翻译:姜培和苏塔两个人比拍摄前还要瘦多了。但是,拍摄行程真的很紧凑,他们两个也很难吃到东西。)
5. All the memory management and allocation of the PAE memory is handled by the memory manager independently of the programs that run. (翻译:所有的内存管理和PAE内存分配都由内存管理器处理,与运行的程序无关。)
6. In many update steel structure codes, the restraining coefficient is often adopted in effective width approach to taken PAE into account. (翻译:目前许多国家的钢结构设计规范中,在计算受压板件的有效宽度时,常采用板组约束系数来考虑板组效应。)
7. Gang-pae agrees with the condition that the violence portrayed in the movie has to be real and not fake acting violence. (翻译:钢太平洋建筑工程公司同意的条件下,暴力电影中描绘的是实实在在的,而不是虚假代理暴力。)