lokal是什么意思 lokal的中文翻译、读音、例句

lokal是什么意思 lokal的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:lokalisiert(局部性的)、lokal agieren(本地操作)。

短语:lokal zur Verfügung(在本地提供)。



1. Dieses Restaurant bietet ausgezeichnete lokale Küche an.(这家餐馆提供出色的本地美食。)

2. Vor Ort gibt es oft lokale Märkte, auf denen man frische Lebensmittel kaufen kann.(当地经常有本地市场,在那里可以购买新鲜的食品。)

3. Die Verwaltung entscheidet über lokale Angelegenheiten.(管理决定当地事务。)

4. Es ist wichtig, lokale Geschäfte zu unterstützen.(支持本地商业很重要。)

5. Die lokale Bevölkerung protestiert gegen den Bau des neuen Flughafens.(当地居民抗议新机场的建设。)



1. They only serve lokal beer at this bar. 这家酒吧只供应本地啤酒。

2. I prefer to shop at lokal markets rather than big supermarkets. 我喜欢在当地市场购物,而不是大型超市。

3. The lokal government is responsible for maintaining the roads in this area. 当地政府负责维护这个区域的道路。




例句:"E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)


例句:And if you say no, then I will persist (/And if you say no, then l will persist)


例句:I came once on a Tuesday when it was closed, but...)


例句:- * I am the park * - ( Caws ) (翻译:- * l am the park * - [ Caws ])


1. I came once on a Tuesday when it was closed, and I just wanted to... (翻译, but...)

2. - * I am the park * - ( Caws ) (翻译:- * l am the park * - [ Caws ])

3. I enjoyed driving the car, I loved to drive. (翻译:我喜欢且享受驾驶 l enjoyed driving the car, l loved to drive.)

4. I guess I think she just stopped being. (翻译:反正就不再活着了 l guess l think she just stopped being.)

5. This isn't the way it was supposed to be. (翻译:What am l gonna do? What am l gonna do? What are...)

6. I think I need to slow down. (翻译:我需要缓一下 l think l need to slow down.)

7. I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted. (翻译:我发誓不找到金奖券绝不罢休 l vowed l would keep searching until l could give her what she wanted.)

8. Because I got high, because I got high (翻译:Because l got high, because l got high)

9. I mean, I drank plenty with Katie when I was pregnant. (翻译:l drank plenty with Katie when l was pregnant.)

10. But I am not a bad person. (翻译:- Look, l was not a very good husband. But l am not a bad person.)

11. No, I was just-- I was gonna say tired. (翻译:l was just - - l was gonna say tired.)

12. I talked to my father, and I apologized to him. (翻译:- l talked to my father, and l apologized to him.)

13. I would tell him I loved him, and at the moment I said it, I did. (翻译:乔琳娜: 我我告诉他爱他, 目前,L表示,L没有。)

14. ♪And then I heard your song ♪ (翻译:♪And then l heard your song ♪)

15. Isabel's death doesn't make it okay for you to hurt people. (翻译:- l know. l know. 你不能因为伊莎贝儿死了)

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