1. 词义解析
2. 派生词
3. 相关短语
与'bake'相关的短语包括“bake off”(比赛烘焙)、“bake sale”(义卖烘焙品)和“bake up”(烤出)。
4. 用法例句
- I love to bake cakes and cookies on the weekends.(我喜欢在周末烤蛋糕和饼干。)
- The bread is baked fresh every day.(这面包每天都新鲜出炉。)
- She baked a pie for the school bake sale.(她为学校的义卖烤了一个派。)
- They're having a bake-off competition at the fair this weekend.(他们本周末在集市上进行烘焙比赛。)
- We need to bake the clay for several hours before it's ready.(我们需要把泥土烤几个小时,才能用。)
5. 常见错误
- I'm going to bake a cake for my friend's birthday party.(我要给我的朋友生日聚会烤蛋糕。)
- She baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the school fundraiser.(她为学校筹款烤了一批巧克力曲奇饼干。)
- It's important to preheat the oven before you start baking.(在开始烘焙前,预热烤箱非常重要。)
- The bread was baked to perfection, with a crispy crust and soft inside.(面包烤得非常完美,外皮酥脆内部柔软。)
- The local bake sale featured a variety of homemade pies, cakes, and cookies.(当地的义卖上有各种自制的派、蛋糕和饼干。)
1. I'm going to bake a cake for my sister's birthday.
2. She learned how to bake bread from her grandmother.
3. The sun will bake the ground dry if it keeps shining like this.
4. I need to preheat the oven before I can bake the chicken.
例句:Bake in the preheated oven for 90 minutes. (在已经预热好的烤箱中烤制90分钟。)
例句:Tell them a drunken monkey could bake a better pizza. (对了 喝醉酒了的猴子都能烤出比你们好吃的披萨)
例句:So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake. ({\3cH202020}Tonight? 所以你有足够时间给他庆祝一下了 {\3cH202020}So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake.)
例句:Gloria, a bake sale wouldn't fix this. We did the right thing. (翻译:Gloria,烘焙募捐并不够,我们是对的)
bake一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to bake([网络] 烘;烘烤;烘制)、emergency bake(un. 紧急制动器)、fake bake([网络] 仿晒专家;慕拉;假烘)等常见短语中出现较多。
to bake | [网络] 烘;烘烤;烘制 |
emergency bake | un. 紧急制动器 |
fake bake | [网络] 仿晒专家;慕拉;假烘 |
final bake | [医] 末烘 |
no bake binder | 冷硬粘结剂 |
no bake core | un. 自硬砂芯 |
no bake sand | un. 自硬砂\n[网络] 自干砂 |
pasta bake | [网络] 懒人餐 |
post bake | 坚膜 |
1. So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake. (翻译:{\3cH202020}Tonight? 所以你有足够时间给他庆祝一下了 {\3cH202020}So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake.)
2. Gloria, a bake sale wouldn't fix this. We did the right thing. (翻译:Gloria,烘焙募捐并不够,我们是对的)
3. She found me after I was shaken and bake and brought me here. (翻译:在我被烤焦后 她找到了我 并把我带到这里)
4. Bake me a cake as fast as you can (翻译:一个小孩穿花衣 {\3cH202020}bake me a cake as fast as you can)
5. Bake brownies or cupcakes together. (翻译:一起烤核仁巧克力饼或纸托蛋糕。)
6. Turn the chestnuts and bake for another 15 minutes. (翻译:翻个面再烤上15分钟左右。香香的糖烤栗子就好了。)
7. Bake up to about 2000 degrees, and Bob's your uncle. (翻译:烤高达约2000度左右, 和鲍勃是你的叔叔。)
8. Join us as we bake brownies with Celine Dion's personal chef. (翻译:我们请到了她的私人厨师 来示范烘烤果仁巧克力饼)
9. Of course you can bake on a metal sheet, but a stone will give a crisper result. (翻译:当然了,你也可以在金属盘上烤,但是在石头上烤可以得到酥脆的效果。)
10. # Light as a feather, you're the bake-o-lite girl. # (翻译:# 我身轻如燕, 我是低烘培面包女郎。#)
11. After bake it, the pig were ready to share and there was some sausages hidden inside. (翻译:经过烘烤,野猪上桌,大家分享了野猪肚子里的火腿肠。)
12. Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp. (翻译:把土豆烤15分钟,直到变得香脆可口。)
13. Broil, bake or poach it with dill. (翻译:烤,烘或加香料水煮。)
14. No way, 275. I have to bake all morning. (翻译:不行 2.75美元 我整个一上午都得烤蛋糕)
15. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until firm. (翻译:在预热好的烤箱里烘焙8到10分钟,直到姜饼定型。)