liuba是什么意思 liuba的中文翻译、读音、例句

liuba是什么意思 liuba的中文翻译、读音、例句






例句:Xuande's grandfather was Liu Xiong; his father, Liu Hong. (玄德祖刘雄,父刘弘。)


例句:Liu Zhi-qiang is a fine student (刘志强是一个很乖的学生 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Liu Zhi -qiang is a fine student)


例句:Holy Dragon, Holy Gods Respected God of Earth, Ba-ye-ba-la-hung (大威天龙,般若诸佛,世尊地藏 般若巴麻空)


1. Holy Dragon, Holy Gods Respected God of Earth, Ba-ye-ba-la-hung (翻译:大威天龙,般若诸佛,世尊地藏 般若巴麻空)

2. Effects of different concentrations of 6-BA on adventitious bud proliferation of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua in vitro (翻译:6-BA浓度对离体多花黄精不定芽增殖的影响)

3. "Ba-ba-ba dook! Dook! Dook!" (翻译:BA BA BA,dook,dook dook!)

4. Look at BA He looks like a huge banana (翻译:看怪头那样 跟个大香蕉似的 Look at BA, he looks like a huge banana.)

5. God save you Liu Zhi-qiang! (翻译:刘志强同学,主永远与你同在 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}God save you Liu Zhi -qiang!)

6. ♪ beep-bop-bop ba-ba-da da-di-doo ♪ (翻译:哔哔声-bop-bop 的 ba-ba-da da-di-doo)

7. - B.A., for the last time. (翻译:like a punk. 怪头 我保证 BA, for the last time)

8. Liu Zongyuan Culture has been transmitted in Liu's Homes. (翻译:柳宗元文化在柳氏民居得以传承。)

9. The train engine smashes into the tower clock in this scene, but later... ba-da-boom, its working again? (翻译:火车发动机捣毁成塔 时钟在这一幕,但后来... ... BA)

10. Wand Ba Er, bat bach to bonitina! (翻译:王不二 你给我回来 Wand Ba Er, bat bach to bonitina!)

11. Blue moon, moon, blue moon Dih dih dih dih dih Bom muhmuh bom ba bom ba bom bom (翻译:比斯坎湾 1961 未来几年 我只想剪剪草坪)

12. For Liu Zhi-qiang from Ah Juan (翻译:阿娟叫我把这个拿给刘志强啦! {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}For Liu Zhi -qiang from Ah Juan)

13. ♪ beep-ba-by ba-ba-ba da-da-daa ooh ♪ (翻译:哔哔声-ba-借着 ba-ba-ba da-da-daa 的 ooh)

14. In the village of Lvliang in north China's Shanxi Province, expectant mother Liu Jianhua is preparing her dinner, potato and millet porridge. (翻译:在中国山西省吕梁村,孕妇Liu Jiahua正在做饭——土豆和小米粥。)

15. Qin Liangyu in Ba and Yu culture is organic component of Ba and Yu hero culture. (翻译:故巴渝文存中的秦良玉是巴渝英雄文化的有机组成部分。)



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