tamato是什么意思 tamato的中文翻译、读音、例句

tamato是什么意思 tamato的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 拼写错误 - 正确的拼写应该是“Tomato”,通常用于描述番茄这种果实。例如:

- I love adding fresh tomato slices to my salad.(我喜欢在自己的沙拉中添加新鲜的番茄片。)

- He plans to grow tomatoes in his garden this summer.(他计划在这个夏天在自己的花园里种植番茄。)

2. 缩写词“TA”和“MATO”的组合 - 这可能代表某种特定的名称或缩写。例如:

- TA - Technical Assistance

- M.A.T.O. - Military Air Transport Operation

3. 给予新含义的创意拼写 - “Tamato”可能是某个公司或品牌的名字,或者被用作品牌的标语或口号。例如:

- Tamato - A new organic tomato juice brand.

- Eat Tamato, Live Healthier - A marketing slogan for a tomato-based food product.

4. 语音转写错误 - 某些非英语母语国家的人可能会听到“Tomato”并错误理解为“Tamato”。例如:

- My friend from Japan always orders a pizza with tamato sauce.(我的来自日本的朋友总是点带有番茄酱的披萨。)

- The waiter thought the customer said tamato soup instead of tomato soup.(服务员误以为顾客点的是番茄汤,而不是西红柿汤。)

5. 特定领域的术语 - “Tamato”可能在某个特定领域中有特殊的含义,如农业或化学。例如:

- Tamato - An experimental tomato variety that is resistant to blight.

- TAMATO - Triazolam, Amantadine, and Modafinil as Therapy for Opioid Dependence.






1. She added diced tomatoes to the sauce.


2. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C.

番茄是维生素 A 和 C 的良好来源。




例句:His plan for a revitalized West Tama City, which he had spent a great deal of time on was suddenly cancelled as a result of the mayor's arrest! (花费长时间完成的西多摩市新市镇的造镇计划 却因为市长被逮捕突然面临了停摆的命运)


例句:The promotion ceremony will be held on January 3, 2010 and Tama will get a new cap. (董事任命仪式将于xx年xx月xx日举行,届时阿玉将获得新制的帽子。)


例句:But Tama stuck by her post and was rewarded with promotion to station manager. (但是Tama坚守岗位,并且被奖励提升为站长。)


1. But Tama stuck by her post and was rewarded with promotion to station manager. (翻译:但是Tama坚守岗位,并且被奖励提升为站长。)

2. Similar cases of destruction have been reported in Tama city and other suburbs. (翻译:另外,多摩市以及港区... 发生多起不明原因之毁损公物事件)

3. "Kourou, Kourou" Minai Tama, I'm not a dog. (翻译:老太婆烦死了! 虹郎... 我又不是狗!)

4. Kazama-san lives in Setagaya, but he has a workroom in Asahino, just before West Tama City! (翻译:风间先生的家虽然在世田谷 可是他在西多摩车站前一站的 朝日野那边有个工作室)

5. Asahi Satoko was born in 1979 in Chiba, Japan. She works and lives in Tokyo. She studied oil painting at Tama Art University. (翻译:朝日聡子,xx年生于日本千叶市,现居东京。她毕业于多摩美术大学油画系。)

6. 'Kagome came here to vanquish the Shikon no Tama. Her purpose in this world. . . ' (翻译:‘戈薇到这里来是为了让四魂之玉消失。她在这个世界的存在目的。’)

7. That'd be the one involving Mayor Okamoto of West Tama City... (翻译:我觉得应该是... 西多摩市冈本市长的那件案子吧)

8. But knowledge is only Our weapon in the fight against deadlock, ignorance, dark centuries and despair, and the ancient tama! (翻译:不过知识仅仅是我们向落后僵化开战的武器 无知、黑暗世纪和绝望, 还有古老的恶梦!)

9. In reward for the promotion, Tama got a new "office" . (翻译:阿玉升官后,还得到了一间新的“站长办公室”。)

10. They were a symbol of his new West Tama City! (翻译:因为那盏灯原为他建构西多摩市新市镇的象征)

11. Transportation: by train from Shinjuku just 30 minutes away, Keio line or Odakyu line to Tama Center Station. (翻译:交通:从新宿乘电车只需30分钟就能抵达,京王线或小田急线到多摩中心站下车。)

12. I wish I could, but the truth is Tama has this place completely in control. (翻译:但塔玛已经完全控制住这里了 就算你能躲过他的摄影机)

13. From a small hill I found on the outskirts of West Tama City. (翻译:那是我在西多摩市的尽头 发现的某一个小山丘上 我几xx年来)

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