whipping是什么意思 whipping的中文翻译、读音、例句

whipping是什么意思 whipping的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:打、抽打、鞭打;搅打(食物);打败、击败(某人)。

2. 词性:whipping可以是动词,表示打、鞭打等。也可以是名词,表示鞭打、打击等。

3. 常用场景:whipping一般用于形容搅打食物的过程,比如whipping cream(打发奶油)、whipping egg(打蛋),还可用于形容打败某人的情况,比如whipping someone in a debate(在辩论中打败某人)。另外,whipping还可以用于形容暴力行为,比如be subjected to whipping(遭到鞭打)。

4. 词组搭配:有以下几种常见的词组搭配:whipping cream(打发奶油)、whipping egg(打蛋)、whipping post(鞭打柱)、whipping boy(代罪羔羊)。

5. 相关短语:whipping up(激起、煽动)、whipping into shape(使某人做好准备、使某物变得完美)。

6. 发音拼写:/ˈwɪpɪŋ/。




1. The farmer was whipping his horse to make it go faster.


2. The wind was whipping the flag back and forth.


3. The chef was whipping the cream until it was thick and fluffy.





例句:You start checking off the requirements, Whipping, spanking-- (你开始逐一标记并核对需求 绳子,鞭子 --)


例句:Underwater currents mix and blend the liquid world, whipping up the nourishing swarms of tiny organisms on which so many other animals feed. (水下的暗流使海水不断混合 富于营养的生物群随暗流而动 饲养其它生物)


例句:It's a bright cool April morning and I can see red tulips whipping in the windin the garden. (这是一个凉爽的xx月早晨,我能看见花园里的郁金香迎风招展着。)


例句:This change would cause insentive seismic whipping effect of the top building. (翻译:这样,在塔柱顶部钢筋混凝土平台就会产生侧移刚度的突变。)


whipping一般作为名词、动词使用,如在whipping in(驱赶;用鞭子把…往里赶)、whipping into(把…搅成;把…激发成…)、French whipping([网络] 绳端反手结编扎法)等常见短语中出现较多。

whipping in驱赶;用鞭子把…往里赶
whipping into把…搅成;把…激发成…
French whipping[网络] 绳端反手结编扎法
lateral whipping[网络] 侧向冲荡
oil whipping油膜振荡
palm whipping[网络] 绳头缠扎
pencil whipping〈美〉篡改证明
plain whipping绳头缠扎
vertical whippingun. 垂直冲荡


1. It's a bright cool April morning and I can see red tulips whipping in the windin the garden. (翻译:这是一个凉爽的xx月早晨,我能看见花园里的郁金香迎风招展着。)

2. This change would cause insentive seismic whipping effect of the top building. (翻译:这样,在塔柱顶部钢筋混凝土平台就会产生侧移刚度的突变。)

3. Mix rhubarb, sugar and cinnamon together and place on top of prepared cake. Pour whipping cream over the top of cake. (翻译:把大黄、糖和桂肉混合调匀,覆盖在事先准备好的蛋糕顶部,再把鲜奶油涂抹在上面。)

4. Lula has said that Mr Sarney deserves more respect, and has blamed the press for whipping up scandal. (翻译:卢拉认为José Sarney应得到更多的尊重,并且指责媒体制造丑闻。)

5. That is in the past and whipping yourself into a state of moral indignation does not help your team and does not buy you a place in heaven. (翻译:那属于过去,迫使自己处于一种义愤的状态,不会对你的团队有所帮助,也不会帮你买到天堂的一席之地。)

6. To us, he really was more like Harry Potter, whipping up his fans into a frenzy with feats of magic while skeptics clucked their tongues. (翻译:对于我们而言,他更像是哈利波特,一边用他神奇的魔法煽动起众人的狂热崇拜,一边也要忍受质疑者的喋喋不休的嚼着舌根。)

7. i felt like taking it to the next level, you know, whipping up some deviled eggs. (翻译:我觉得把它给 一个新的水平,要知道,鞭笞 一些芥末蘸鸡蛋。)

8. Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy, and I, "That's enough. Sh." (Laughter) ♫ Now, you've been kind and ... ♫ I'm going to sing this to Bill Gates. (Laughter) I have so much admiration for him. (翻译:让观众们平静下来啊: 我觉得应该激起你们的热情来, 我喜欢那样,那样就足够了,呵呵 现在,你们是这样的友好…… 我将为比尔·盖茨唱这首歌。我非常仰慕他。)

9. He accused politicians of whipping up antiforeign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes. (翻译:他谴责政客们煽动排外情绪以赢得右翼选票。)

10. That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy. (翻译:我很有创意,是不是啊?让观众们平静下来啊:我觉得应该激起你们的热情来,)

11. Even the Wall Street firms that concoct these securities have taken a whipping. (翻译:即使连创造出这些商品的华尔街经纪行也吃了大亏。)

12. "The Whipping Block" has never been published, but it's supposed to be a really good poem. (翻译:《鞭笞刑具》从未发表,但据说它是一首相当好的诗。)

13. It's just body parts whipping and blood spewing... (翻译:因为里面从来就没有一个完整的角色 有的只是人被大卸八块 鲜血狂喷)

14. He threatened to give her a whipping. (翻译:他威胁要鞭打她一顿。)

15. Condiments: Whipping Cream, Mix Berry Toping, Syrup, Honey. (翻译:调味品:淡奶油,什锦浆果酱,糖浆,蜂蜜。)



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