excercise是什么意思 excercise的中文翻译、读音、例句

excercise是什么意思 excercise的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义解释:Exercise是一个动词,意为“锻炼身体”,也可以作为名词,意为“体育活动、练习”。另外,缩写词“Ex.”通常表示“例如”、“举例来说”。在计算机领域,也有“执行”的意思。


- I exercise every morning to keep fit.


- Our school requires students to do exercise every day.


- She has been exercising her right to free speech.


- I like many fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges, etc.


- The program will not execute properly if you don't follow the instructions.


2. 衍生词汇:Exercise有很多衍生词汇,比如exerciser(锻炼器材)、exercise bike(健身自行车)、exercise class(健身课程)等等。


- I bought an exerciser to use at home.


- She prefers to do her cardio exercise on an exercise bike.


- I signed up for an exercise class at the gym.


3. 惯用搭配:Exercise这个单词还有一些常见的惯用搭配,比如do exercise(做运动)、get exercise(锻炼身体)、take exercise(进行体育活动)、exercise caution(小心谨慎)等等。


- She does exercise every day after work.


- The doctor told him to get more exercise to improve his health.


- We like to take exercise in the park on weekends.


- Please exercise caution when using this equipment.


- The company is exercising its right to terminate the contract.





1. Regular exercise can help improve our physical and mental health. (经常运动可以帮助我们改善身体和心理健康。)

2. The doctor recommends that you should do some exercises to strengthen your muscles. (医生建议你应该做一些运动来增强你的肌肉。)

3. She spends an hour every morning doing yoga exercises. (她每天早上花一个小时做瑜伽练习。)




例句:And our volunteers can then work with them to connect patients to healthy food and excercise programs in their communities. (然后我们的志愿者就可以和他们一起工作 来把病人和食物及健身项目联系起来 这全在他们的社区里。)


例句:Shall we go out for some excercise? (我们出去锻炼如何。)


例句:For this excercise, you will use a dictionary lookup service on Aonaware. (本例将使用 Aonaware的字典查询服务。)


例句:Exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise. (翻译:智能的锻炼同身体的运动同样重要。)


1. For this excercise, you will use a dictionary lookup service on Aonaware. (翻译:本例将使用 Aonaware的字典查询服务。)

2. Exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise. (翻译:智能的锻炼同身体的运动同样重要。)

3. One year later, in 1862, when Abahachi in the middle of his morning sneaking and slithering excercise a pale face from the South named Ranger saved his life at an ungated railway crossing. (翻译:xx年以后,也就是xx年 阿帕哈奇一大清早正在进行他的每日一练 正当他在进行本次练习最后一项匍匐运动时 突然一个叫瑞金的白种人出现 并从一列呼啸而过的无轨火车前拯救了阿帕哈奇的生命)

4. All of this stuff is going on as a kind of propaganda excercise so that the people don't actually work out what the problem is. (翻译:所有这些都只是不断的宣传洗脑 所以人们不了解真正的问题是什么)

5. Aerobic Excercise - One of the best stress busters out there is frequent aerobic exercize. (翻译:有氧运动——对付压力的最好压力之一就是经常作有氧运动。)



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