1. 定义:'socratic'源于希腊哲学家苏格拉底,其含义是追问的、探究的、质疑的,常常与Socratic method(苏格拉底式探究法)联系使用。缩写词'SOCR'也可以表示'Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing',是一款广泛应用于企业管理的软件。
2. 英语用法:'Socratic'是形容词,在句子中通常修饰一个名词,用于描述一种特定的思维方式或探究方法。例如:Socratic questioning is a method of inquiry that is used to stimulate critical thinking and encourage self-reflection.(苏格拉底式提问是一种用来刺激批判性思维和鼓励自我反思的探究方法。)'SOCR'则是缩写词,常常用于IT领域或企业管理中。
3. 哲学方面:'Socratic'可以指代苏格拉底哲学中的问题探究方式,以问答的形式引导学生探索并自我发现真理。例如:In a Socratic dialogue, the teacher plays the role of a guide, helping the student to discover the answer through questioning.(在苏格拉底式的对话中,老师扮演着引导者的角色,通过提问帮助学生发现答案。)
4. 软件方面:'SOCR'可以指代一款用于企业管理、人力资源、物料管理等领域的软件。例如:With the help of SOCR, we can streamline our business operations and improve efficiency.(借助SOCR,我们可以优化业务流程,提高效率。)
1. Socratic questioning is an effective way to encourage critical thinking and reflection.
2. The Socratic method is a popular teaching technique in philosophy classes.
3. By using the Socratic approach, teachers can help students to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills.
4. Our company has adopted the SOCR software to manage our inventory and supply chain.
5. With the help of SOCR, we can track our sales data and analyze customer behavior.
1. The Socratic method is a way of teaching that involves asking questions to stimulate critical thinking.
2. In a Socratic dialogue, participants engage in a conversation that aims to uncover underlying assumptions and beliefs.
例句:The Socratic imperative of examining yourself requires courage. (来思考你自己 来审视你自己 The Socratic imperative of examining yourself requires courage. 以苏格拉底式必要地审视你自己需要勇气)
例句:Actually an idea Aristotle had got from the pre-Socratic philosophers. (事实上这个想法来自先于苏格拉底时期的哲人。)
socratic一般作为名词使用,如在Socratic(苏格拉底的 )、socratic dialogue(苏格拉底式对话)、Socratic elenchus(苏格拉底诘问论证法)等常见短语中出现较多。
Socratic | 苏格拉底的 |
socratic dialogue | 苏格拉底式对话 |
Socratic elenchus | 苏格拉底诘问论证法 |
socratic ironies | 苏格拉底式反讽 |
Socratic irony | 苏格拉底式反讽 |
Socratic method | na. 苏格拉底问答法[对话法]\n[网络] 苏格拉底式教学法;苏格拉底法;苏格拉底教学法 |
socratic methods | n. 苏格拉底问答法;对话法 |