wto是什么意思 wto的中文翻译、读音、例句

wto是什么意思 wto的中文翻译、读音、例句

WTO是世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)的缩写,它是一个国际贸易组织,成立于xx年,总部位于瑞士日内瓦,旨在促进全球贸易自由化和公平贸易。以下是说明和例句:

1. 组织结构:WTO由164个国家组成,有一个秘书长,一个总干事和一个争端解决机构。它的决策和规则是由成员协商和投票制定的。


- The WTO consists of 164 member countries.

- The WTO has a Secretary-General, a Director-General, and a dispute settlement mechanism.

- The decisions and rules of the WTO are made through member consultations and voting.

2. 作用和目标:WTO的主要目标是促进全球贸易,包括通过降低关税和其他贸易壁垒来扩大市场准入,同时保护知识产权和环境标准。


- The WTO works to reduce trade barriers and increase market access.

- The WTO aims to protect intellectual property rights and environmental standards.

- The WTO promotes global trade liberalization and free trade.

3. 争端解决:WTO的争端解决机构提供了解决贸易纠纷的方式。如果成员国之间发生纠纷,它们可以向争端解决机构寻求解决方案,该机构将根据WTO的规则和程序进行裁决。


- The WTO dispute settlement mechanism is a way to resolve trade disputes.

- Members can seek solutions from the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism.

- The WTO's dispute settlement body makes rulings according to the organization's rules and procedures.


1. The WTO is an international organization that promotes free and fair trade worldwide.(WTO是一个促进全球自由和公平贸易的国际组织。)

2. The WTO aims to reduce trade barriers and increase market access for its member countries.(WTO的目标是降低贸易壁垒,扩大成员国的市场准入。)

3. The WTO's dispute settlement mechanism is a way to resolve trade disputes and ensure fair trade practices.(WTO的争端解决机制是解决贸易纠纷和确保公平贸易实践的方式。)

4. The WTO has helped to increase global trade and boost economic growth in member countries.(WTO已经帮助增加了全球贸易和促进了成员国的经济增长。)

5. The WTO plays an important role in regulating international trade and ensuring a level playing field for all countries.(WTO在调节国际贸易和确保所有国家公平竞争方面发挥着重要作用。)

WTO是英语单词“World Trade Organization”的缩写,意为“世界贸易组织”。它是一家总部设在瑞士日内瓦的国际组织,旨在规范和促进全球贸易,并为成员国提供互惠贸易的平台和协商渠道。




1. The US has been a member of the WTO since its inception.(美国从成立之初就是WTO的成员国。)

2. China joined the WTO in 2001.(中国于xx年加入了WTO。)

3. The WTO is committed to promoting global trade liberalization.(WTO致力于促进全球贸易自由化。)

4. The WTO has a dispute settlement mechanism to resolve trade disputes between member countries.(WTO设有争端解决机制,用于解决成员国之间的贸易纠纷。)

5. The WTO's mission is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.(WTO的使命是尽可能确保贸易流动平稳、可预测和自由。)

6. The WTO has been criticized for favoring developed countries over developing ones.(WTO被批评偏袒发达国家而不是发展中国家。)

7. The WTO sets rules for trade and monitors member countries' compliance with them.(WTO为贸易制定规则,并监督成员国遵守规则。)

8. The WTO has 164 member countries as of 2021.(截至xx年,WTO有164个成员国。)

9. The WTO has been involved in negotiations on a wide range of trade issues, such as agriculture, intellectual property and services trade.(WTO涉及各种贸易问题的谈判,如农业、知识产权和服务贸易等。)

WTO是世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)的缩写。



1. The negotiations between member countries of the WTO have been ongoing for months. (世界贸易组织成员国之间的谈判已经进行了数月。)

2. China's accession to the WTO has greatly boosted its economic development. (中国加入世贸组织极大地推动了其经济发展。)




例句:Well, because the WTO, the hull has become an ashtray. (后来 因为TO的出现 把它变成了一个烟灰缸)


例句:Especially after China's entering into the WTO, TV industrial management (TVIM) has gradually become the subject concerned by the academe and executives of TV. (特别是中国加入WTO之后,电视产业经营逐渐成为学界和业界注目的热点。)


例句:After the WTO published its judgment, the Chinese Preferment Mission to the WTO responded. (在WTO公布其判决之后,中国驻世贸组织代表团回应了此事。)


例句:The article introduced the origin relation of our country and the WTO from the historied. (翻译:本文从历史的角度介绍了我国与WTO的渊源关系; )


wto一般作为名词使用,如在the WTO([网络] 世界贸易组织;世贸组织;农业补贴)、wto accession([网络] 加入世贸组织)等常见短语中出现较多。

the WTO[网络] 世界贸易组织;世贸组织;农业补贴
wto accession[网络] 加入世贸组织


1. After the WTO published its judgment, the Chinese Preferment Mission to the WTO responded. (翻译:在WTO公布其判决之后,中国驻世贸组织代表团回应了此事。)

2. The article introduced the origin relation of our country and the WTO from the historied. (翻译:本文从历史的角度介绍了我国与WTO的渊源关系; )

3. On the Challenge and Countermeasures about Ideological Education of Collegestudents after China's Accession to WTO (翻译:加入WTO后高校学生思想政治工作面临的挑战和对策)

4. Exploitage and Protection of Tourism Resources in Heilongjiang Province after China Entering WTO (翻译:论加入WTO后黑龙江省旅游资源的开发与保护)

5. With 151 nations, the WTO monitors 90% of world trade. (翻译:拥有150多个成员的TO 掌控了世界90%的贸易)

6. Brazil's government said Monday that the WTO had agreed to discuss the matter. (翻译:巴西政府周一说,WTO已经同意讨论此事。)

7. Exploration into new Problems about Party Construction that XPCC'S State-Owned Enterprises will Faced with after Accession to WTO (翻译:加入WTO后兵团国有企业党建工作面临的新情况新问题探讨)

8. They include: APEC support to the WTO process, trade and security, and free trade agreements (FTAs) and regional trade agreements (RTAs). (翻译:它们包括:APEC支持WTO进程,贸易与安全,以及自由贸易安排和区域贸易安排。)

9. Togo took over the status of GATT Contracting Party and is an original Member of the WTO. (翻译:多哥接管原有关税暨贸易总协定签订国地位,同时是WTO原始会员。)

10. Afrer entering WTO China auto industry will face tremendous challenge. (翻译:加入世界贸易组织后,中国汽车工业必将面临严峻的挑战。)

11. Puwen health: birth of the contemporary and the WTO, do you think there are the differences? (翻译:普文养生:当代的出世与入世,您认为这二者有区别吗? )

12. After our nation joined WTO, it is imperative to build up OSHMS standard for insuring safe production and management under the situation. (翻译:我国加入WTO以后,建立保证安全生产经营的OSHMS标准势在必然。)

13. Mr De Gucht said the WTO needed to be strengthened to restrain such actions. (翻译:德古赫特表示,WTO需要得到加强,以抑制此类行为。)

14. He said the decision was no surprise since the legal issues involving the safeguard are clear. (翻译:他说,WTO的判决并不奇怪,因为包含预防条款的法律问题非常清晰。)

15. Currently, NGOs enter into the judicial procedure of the WTO through "Amicus Curiae" . (翻译:非政府组织当前在争端解决程序的介入以法庭之友的身份。)



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