ingestion是什么意思 ingestion的中文翻译、读音、例句

ingestion是什么意思 ingestion的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, regarding the word 'ingestion' or its acronym, here are at least five aspects to consider:

1. Definition: 'Ingestion' refers to the process of taking in food, liquid, or other substances into the body.

2. Usage: This word is commonly used in the context of biology, anatomy, nutrition, and medicine.

3. Synonyms: Other words that can be used interchangeably with 'ingestion' include consumption, intake, absorption, and assimilation.

4. Related Words: There are several related words that can be used alongside 'ingestion,' such as digestion, metabolism, excretion, and elimination.

5. Common Phrases: There are several phrases that can be used to describe the process of ingestion or its effects on the body. Some of these include 'healthy ingestion practices,' 'digestive system disorders,' and 'side effects of medication ingestion.'


1. The ingestion of too much sugar can cause a rapid increase in blood glucose levels.

2. One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy digestive system is proper food ingestion.

3. Ingestion of certain substances, such as alcohol or caffeine, can interfere with sleeping patterns.

4. The rapid ingestion of large amounts of food can lead to digestive issues.

5. Ingestion of contaminated food or water can cause serious health problems, such as food poisoning.




1. The daily ingestion of vitamins is important for maintaining good health.(每日摄入维生素对于保持健康至关重要。)

2. Ingestion of contaminated water can lead to serious health problems.(饮用污染水源会导致严重的健康问题。)

3. The ingestion of large amounts of sugar has been linked to obesity and diabetes.(大量摄入糖类与肥胖和糖尿病有关。)

4. The doctor recommended reducing the ingestion of fatty foods to improve the patient's cholesterol levels.(医生建议减少摄入脂肪食物,以提高患者的胆固醇水平。)

5. The study found that the ingestion of caffeine before bed can disrupt sleep patterns.(这项研究发现在睡前摄入咖啡因会破坏睡眠模式。)

6. The researchers measured the ingestion of pesticides in the subjects over a period of several months.(研究人员测量了几个月内受试者对农药的摄入量。)

7. The ingestion of certain drugs can cause adverse reactions in some individuals.(某些药物的摄入可能会导致某些人不良反应。)

8. The company advised against the ingestion of its cleaning products, as they can be toxic if swallowed.(该公司建议不要食用其清洁产品,因为如果误食,可能会有毒害。)

9. The ingestion of certain mushrooms can be poisonous and even fatal.(摄入某些蘑菇可能会有毒甚至致命。)




1. Proper ingestion of food is important for digestive health. (正确的食物摄入对消化健康很重要。)

2. The signs of food poisoning can appear within hours of ingestion. (食物中毒的症状可能出现在摄入后的几个小时内。)

3. The athlete was penalized for ingestion of a banned substance. (该运动员因服用被禁止的物质而被处罚。)




例句:Or bacterium transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated dairy, meat, even produce. (或者感染了细菌 通过摄取被污染的牛奶 Or bacterium transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated dairy, 肉类 甚至制品 meat, even produce.)


例句:It will bring about certain death in approximately 20 to 30 minutes upon the moment of ingestion. (摄入后约20至30分钟内必死 It will bring about certain death in approximately 20 to 30 minutes upon the moment of ingestion.)


例句:If accidental ingestion , will not cause a problem; if fed repeatedly, may result in malnutrition and diseases affecting the heart. (偶尔喂食并无大碍,但经常喂食,可能导致营养不良及心脏疾病。)


例句:Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes. (翻译:每次食物的摄取都可能会影响我们的情绪或思维过程。)


ingestion一般作为名词使用,如在gas ingestion([动力] 燃气回吞)、ice ingestion(吸入冰块)、ingestion hazard(入危害)等常见短语中出现较多。

gas ingestion[动力] 燃气回吞
ice ingestion吸入冰块
ingestion hazard入危害


1. If accidental ingestion , will not cause a problem; if fed repeatedly, may result in malnutrition and diseases affecting the heart. (翻译:偶尔喂食并无大碍,但经常喂食,可能导致营养不良及心脏疾病。)

2. Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes. (翻译:每次食物的摄取都可能会影响我们的情绪或思维过程。)

3. Ingestion of A. .. goes to B ... EC performs the excretion (翻译:由A进食... 通过B... 和C由c执行排泄)

4. Understanding actual ingestion in the pipelines (翻译:了解管道中的真正摄入 )

5. The ingestion of such foreign objects as sandstones into aircraft engines can often do damage to the aeroengine blades. (翻译:航空发动机叶片常受到被吸入的砂石等外物的撞击而产生损伤。)

6. The perfect compound feed is suitable for the ingestion habits and nutritional requirements of the ragworms and suitable for the requirements of indoor artificial breeding of the ragworms. (翻译:该全价配合饲料适合岩虫的摄食习惯和营养需求,适合岩虫室内人工养殖的需要。)

7. It is transmitted between animals and humans by the bite of infected fleas, direct contact, inhalation and rarely, ingestion of infective materials. (翻译:它通过受感染跳蚤的咬伤、直接接触、吸入和极少摄入传染物在动物与人之间传播。)

8. Weight of goats was measured on the 1th day and 56th day in the trial period , then feed ingestion was registered everyday. (翻译:分别在正饲期的第1天和56天测定山羊体重,记录每天的采食量。)

9. Septicemic listeriosis probably develops from ingestion or possibly inhalation of the bacteria. (翻译:败血性李氏杆菌病可能是因食入或吸入病原菌引起的。)

10. One theory suggests that it was the ingestion of a hallucinogenic mushroom, the Amanita muscaria, that made these warriors lose their heads, so to speak. (翻译:One theory suggests 是因为摄入了一种致幻菇 that it was the ingestion of a hallucinogenic mushroom, 捕蝇蕈 the Amanita muscaria,)

11. Septicemic listeriosis probably develops from ingestion or possibly inhalation of the bacteria. (翻译:败血性李氏杆菌病可能是因食入或吸入病原菌引起的。)

12. Sleep driving is defined as driving while not fully awake after ingestion of a sedative-hypnotic product, with no memory of the event. (翻译:睡眠驾驶的定义是指服用镇静-安眠药物后没有完全觉醒的驾驶行为,并且醒来后对此事没有记忆。)

13. Ingestion of these chemicals will likely grow along with an aging population and an increasingly globalized economy. (翻译:在人口老化和经济全球化的情况下,服用这类化学药物的现象可能会越来越普遍。)

14. The clinical manifestations of these subjects were acute hemolytic anemia trigged by ingestion of fava bean and neonatal jaundice. (翻译:临床主要表现为新生儿黄疸、进食蚕豆后发生急性溶血性贫血等。)

15. Poisoning with this plant is often accidental, following ingestion of the plant' s fruit that are often mistaken for blackberries. (翻译:中毒这个工厂往往是偶然的,下面的摄入植物的果实,往往误认为是黑莓。)



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