squared是什么意思 squared的中文翻译、读音、例句

squared是什么意思 squared的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 平方的意思。在数学中,'squared'通常表示某个数或物体的面积或容积的大小。例如,2²就表示2的平方,即2×2=4。又如,一个正方形的面积可以表示为边长的平方。


- The area of a square is calculated by squaring the length of one of its sides.


- The formula for the volume of a cube is length cubed, or length squared times length.


2. 翻译为“平方”或“二次方”的缩写。在计算机编程或其他数学应用程序中,'squared'通常以缩写形式出现,表示平方或二次方。


- The function calculates the squared value of the input parameter.


- The program uses the square root function to determine the size of the square's diagonal.


3. 表示两个数相乘的结果。在商业或经济学中,'squared'通常表示两个数相乘的结果,特别是用于计算某种表现的相对大小。


- The company's profits have doubled this year, with total revenue squared compared to last year.


- The value of the stocks has increased by a squared amount in the last quarter.






1. The area of a square is calculated by multiplying one side of the square by itself, or by squaring that side. (正方形的面积计算公式是将其中一条边的长度乘以自身,或将该边求平方。)

2. This equation is expressed in squared terms.(这个方程式是用平方术语表示的。)




例句:If you look at the math, E=mc squared, if you look at the cosmological constant, where there's an anthropic ideal, where you see that life had to evolve from the numbers that describe the universe -- these are things that are really difficult to understand. (就拿数学来说,E=mc^2 或是宇宙常数, 隐藏着跟人类学有关的理论,从中你可以体会到生命必须 从描述宇宙的数字中演化而来-- 这些事真得很难理解。)


例句:X ray intensity was linearly related to the distance squared in the measured disance. The gradient was -2.04 confirming the validity of "disance inverse square law" in this experiment. (线强度与距离平方在测试距离内呈线性关系,倾斜值为-2.04,证明本实验中的“距离反平方定律”成立。)


squared一般作为名词使用,如在squared with(v. 与…相符合)、epsilon squared(ε 正方形(价值匹配))、foot squared([网络] 平方尺;平方英尺)等常见短语中出现较多。

squared withv. 与…相符合
epsilon squaredε 正方形(价值匹配)
foot squared[网络] 平方尺;平方英尺
squared atom平方原子
squared awayna. 〈口〉准备停当;扬帆顺风驶行;(拳击中)摆好架势\n[网络] 使……就绪;准备好
squared circle拳击台
squared loop矩形回线
squared modulation方波调制
squared offna. (拳击中)摆好架势


1. However, the encounter is not the first time Palmerston and Larry have squared up in the corridors of power. (翻译:但这次相遇并不是帕默斯顿和拉里首次在权力的走廊上摆开架势。)

2. I'll do 57,000 squared, plus 683 squared, plus 57,000 times 683 times two. (翻译:我先算57000的平方, 然后加上683的平方, 加上57000乘以 683乘以2。)

3. Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists. (翻译:布鲁诺挺起胸膛面对等候的记者。)

4. AB: 93 squared. Would you call out your answers, please? (翻译:阿瑟:93的平方。你们可以大声说出答案了吗?)

5. The technique and application of the three-squared septic tank of arched Brickwork with a single pithead (翻译:砌体圆拱式单井口三格化粪池的工艺技术及应用)

6. I'll do 57,000 squared, plus 683 squared, plus 57,000 times 683 times two. (翻译:我先算57000的平方, 然后加上683的平方, 加上57000乘以 683乘以2。)

7. This thing is essentially a cylinder, the volume of which is pi times the radius squared, so about four-four feet by ten. (翻译:这东西基本上是个圆柱体 体积是π乘以半径的平方乘以高 也就是π*4*4*10英尺)

8. The little bugler bravely squared up to his enemy. (翻译:小号手英勇地面对敌人。)

9. Ashlar work consists of regularly cut blocks with squared edges. (翻译:方石加工品是由整齐地切割出具方形边缘之石块所组成。)

10. We're looking into a couple of specialists, and until we get you squared away, you'll stay here, okay? (翻译:我们在咨询一些专家 在我们帮你打点好一切以前 你留在这 好吗)

11. Let's start with the most famous physics formula ever: E equals m c squared. (翻译:让我们先看一个 迄今最著名的物理学方程: E=mc^2 )

12. A-squared plus B-squared subtract two-AB-cosine-C. (翻译:c的平方等于 a的平方加b的平方 减去2倍ab乘以c的余弦值)

13. If you look at the math, E=mc squared, if you look at the cosmological constant, where there's an anthropic ideal, where you see that life had to evolve from the numbers that describe the universe -- these are things that are really difficult to understand. (翻译:就拿数学来说,E=mc^2 或是宇宙常数, 隐藏着跟人类学有关的理论,从中你可以体会到生命必须 从描述宇宙的数字中演化而来-- 这些事真得很难理解。)

14. I appreciate you trying to save me but me and God, we got our thing squared away. (翻译:我感谢你竭力试着救我 但是我和神可说已有协议)

15. Rotterdam firm of architects, Neutelings Riedijk, has created a squared-off spiral. (翻译:鹿特丹建筑师事务所neutelings Riedijk创造了一个方形的螺旋。)



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