preppy是什么意思 preppy的中文翻译、读音、例句

preppy是什么意思 preppy的中文翻译、读音、例句











1. She was wearing a preppy outfit consisting of a green sweater, khaki pants, and a plaid scarf. 她穿着一套preppy的衣服,包括一件绿色毛衣、卡其色长裤和一条格子围巾。

2. The preppy look was popular in the 1980s and is making a comeback today. Preppy的风格在20世纪xx年代非常流行,今天又开始复古了。

3. He knew he had to dress preppy for the job interview, so he wore a navy blazer and khaki pants. 他知道他必须穿着preppy的打扮去面试,所以他穿了一件海军蓝色的西装外套和卡其色长裤。

4. The new spring line has a lot of preppy styles, including pastel-colored polos and khaki shorts. 新的春季系列有很多preppy的款式,包括柔和色调的polo衫和卡其色的短裤。

5. The preppy aesthetic is all about classic American style, with a focus on clean lines and timeless pieces. Preppy的审美风格是关于经典的美国风格,在于干净的线条和永恒的款式。


Preppy这个词源于美国私立寄宿学校(prep school),这些学校通常招收来自富裕家庭的学生,注重教育质量、体育运动和社会礼节等。因此,这个词后来也用来形容一种受过良好教育、有着独特生活方式和精神风貌的人群。


1. She always dresses preppy, with her collared shirts and khaki pants.(她总是穿着身上戴着领呢衬衫和卡其色长裤,很有大学时尚派的感觉。)

2. The preppy kids at my school never leave the house without a blazer.(我学校里的优雅学生们从不不穿西装外套出门。)

3. The preppy lifestyle emphasizes traditional values and good manners.(大学时尚派的生活方式强调传统价值观和良好的礼仪。)

4. Emma is such a preppy girl, she always carries a tote bag and wears pearls.(艾玛是个典型的优雅学生,总是背着手提包,戴着珍珠项链。)

5. Preppy fashion is characterized by bright colors, plaids and stripes.(大学时尚派的服饰特点是鲜艳的颜色、格子和条纹。)

6. The preppy connotation is very strong in Ivy League schools.(在常春藤联盟学校里,大学时尚派的内涵非常浓厚。)

7. The preppy culture values academic excellence and social grace.(优雅学生文化重视学业优秀和社交风度。)

8. He may be a little preppy, but he is also genuine and kind-hearted.(他或许有点优雅学生派头,但是他真挚善良。)

9. Preppy style is often associated with classic American brands like Ralph Lauren and Brooks Brothers.(大学时尚派风格常常与美国经典品牌如拉尔夫·劳伦和布鲁克斯兄弟联系在一起。)



1. She dresses like a preppy girl with her collared shirts and knee-length skirts. 她穿着像一个预备校生女孩,穿着带领子的衬衫和到膝盖的裙子。

2. Many preppy students attend Ivy League universities. 许多预备校生就读常春藤联盟大学。

preppy在英语中代表"预科生 、学院派"的意思,其中文解释还有"预科生"的意思,读音为[preppy],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到49个与preppy相关的句子。



例句:Some fall designer collections are also expected to bear a Gossip Girl influence: a preppy , ritzy, collegiate look. (一些设计师在筹划秋装发布的同时也准备承袭《绯闻女孩》的元素:学院派时尚。)


例句:Most of the time, guys seem to be in T-shirt and jeans, or maybe in preppy sweaters and vests. (通常男人看上去都穿着T恤和牛仔裤,或者可能校园毛线衫和背心。)


例句:Polo calls for preppy casual – white jeans and polo shirts or shirtmaker cotton sundresses with espadrilles or white sneakers. (马球代表的是学院派---白牛仔配polo衫,或者棉布的背心裙配帆布鞋或白球鞋。)


例句:Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. (翻译:与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。)


preppy一般作为名词使用,如在preppy look([网络] 学院风格;校服装扮;预科生风格)等常见短语中出现较多。

preppy look[网络] 学院风格;校服装扮;预科生风格


1. Polo calls for preppy casual – white jeans and polo shirts or shirtmaker cotton sundresses with espadrilles or white sneakers. (翻译:马球代表的是学院派---白牛仔配polo衫,或者棉布的背心裙配帆布鞋或白球鞋。)

2. Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. (翻译:与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。)

3. Michael K. Powell, the nation's communications czar, is dressed in a cardigan sweater and a preppy dark turtleneck. (翻译:宛如美国通信界沙皇的麦可.鲍威尔,穿著羊毛衫及一件中规中矩的暗色高领衫。)

4. Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. (翻译:与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。)

5. with this guy Wes Craven, and I went on this interview expecting to meet the prince of darkness and there was erudite, tall, preppy, Ralph Lauren-attired Wes Craven there. (翻译:和这个韦斯. 克拉文的家伙 我去做了面谈 期待这见到黑暗王子,而后是)

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