'Unplayed piano'是一个由两个词组成的词组,其中'unplayed'是动词'play'的过去分词,意为“未被演奏的”,而'piano'则是指一种键盘乐器。下面从以下四个方面对这个单词组展开说明:
1. 定义和用法
'Unplayed piano'指尚未演奏过的钢琴。它可以用于描述新的或从未使用过的钢琴,以及长期未使用而变得陈旧的钢琴。
2. 音乐教育
对于音乐教育而言,'unplayed piano'可能表示没有人使用的钢琴。这可能是由于学生缺乏足够的时间练习,或者钢琴没有得到维护和保养。
3. 音乐表演
对于音乐表演而言,'unplayed piano'可以表示没有被演奏的钢琴,那么这种钢琴可能需要进行调音,或者需要进行维修。
4. 诗歌创作
对于诗歌创作而言,'unplayed piano'可以被视为一种隐喻,它代表着未实现或未发掘的潜力或才华。
1. The unplayed piano in the corner of the room was silently gathering dust. (房间角落里的未演奏的钢琴默默地积着灰。)
2. The school's unplayed piano had long been forgotten and had fallen into disrepair. (学校的未演奏的钢琴早已被遗忘,而且已经损坏了。)
3. The unplayed piano stood in the darkened room, waiting for someone to play it and fill the silence with music. (未演奏的钢琴站在昏暗的房间里,等待着有人弹奏它,用音乐填补寂静。)
4. Her talent was like an unplayed piano, waiting to be discovered and put to good use. (她的才华就像一架未演奏的钢琴,等待被发掘和好好利用。)
5. Walking into the music store, he saw an unplayed piano with a sign that read "Display Only." (走进音乐店,他看到了一架未演奏的钢琴,上面贴着一个标志,上面写着“仅供展示”。)
unplayed piano的意思是“未被弹奏的钢琴”。
读音:[ʌnpleɪd piˈænəʊ]
1. The unplayed piano stood in the corner of the room, covered with dust.
2. He sat down at the unplayed piano and ran his fingers over the keys.
3. The old woman had an unplayed piano that she kept in her attic.