anathema是什么意思 anathema的中文翻译、读音、例句

anathema是什么意思 anathema的中文翻译、读音、例句




- anathema to:对......强烈反感或厌恶

- anathema of society:社会的耻辱

- excommunicate anathema:宗教上的诅咒




1. The use of plastic bags has become an anathema to environmentalists. (塑料袋的使用已经成为环保主义者所强烈反对的事物。)

2. Shouting and screaming during the movie is an anathema to cinema-goers. (在看电影时大声喊叫是电影观众所痛恨的。)

3. This type of behavior is anathema to our values and beliefs. (这种行为是对我们的价值观和信仰的否定。)

4. In many cultures, eating pork is considered anathema.(在许多文化中,食用猪肉被认为是不可接受的。)

5. The political ideas of the opposing party were anathema to the ruling party.(反对党的政治观点对执政党是不可容忍的。)

6. In some religions, divorce is regarded as an anathema.(在某些宗教中,离婚被视为诅咒。)

7. The artist's experimental work was considered anathema to traditional art critics.(这位艺术家的实验作品被传统艺术评论家视为不可接受的。)




1. The use of fur in fashion is anathema to animal rights activists.


2. The idea of a politician being corrupt is anathema to many people.


3. The religious leaders pronounced an anathema on anyone who did not follow their doctrine.





例句:Compromise is anathema to the virulently anti-tax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. (共和党的茶党派系厌恶增税,他们把妥协视为诅咒。)


例句:If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. (若有人不爱主,这人可诅可咒。主必要来。)


例句:"No," said Anathema, "I mean, yes." (“没有,”安娜丝玛说,“我的意思是说。” )

4.开除教籍 、革出教门

例句:"Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken. (翻译:“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。)


1. "No," said Anathema, "I mean, yes." (翻译:“没有,”安娜丝玛说,“我的意思是说。” )

2. "Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken. (翻译:“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。)

3. Violence was anathema to them. (翻译:暴力是他们非常厌恶的事。)

4. Anathema gathered her things together and stepped out as haugh? Tily as possible. (翻译:安娜丝玛把她的东西收集了下,尽可能的趾高气昂地走出车门。)

5. That America still refuses this right to its gay population is a complete anathema to me. (翻译:美国人仍然拒绝给予同志社群这个权利,这对我来说是一个彻底的诅咒。)

6. In an English corpus database I use I found that 10% of usage was an anathema. (翻译:在一个我用的英语语料数据库中,我发现10%的用法是当成名词。)

7. He has acknowledged what was previously anathema: the existence of legitimate internal "currents" within the movement. (翻译:他已经认可了以前所厌恶的东西:运动内部有合理的内在“暗流”的存在。)

8. It would also be anathema to the African Union's principled stand against military coups. (翻译:而对以反对军事叛变为原则的非洲联盟来说,这将是无法容忍的行为。)

9. Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me. (翻译:对我来说,种族歧视非常可恶。)

10. The Fortwo is such anathema to American automotive culture that it might as well come wearing a beret. (翻译:Fortwo在美国汽车文化里的印象就像带着一顶法式贝雷帽一样让人讨厌。)

11. Meanwhile, anything that smacks of curbing domestic consumption in favour of international goals is anathema to the White House. (翻译:与此同时,任何抑制国内消费以迎合国际目标的行为,都是美国所厌恶的。)

12. Leonardo himself had preached against the use of gold, so it was absolutely anathema at that moment. (翻译:达·芬奇自己就很反对对于金色的运用, 所以当时这对我来说是个很让人讨厌的东西。)

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