darren是什么意思 darren的中文翻译、读音、例句

darren是什么意思 darren的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名字



- Darren is such a strong and powerful name.

- Darren's parents chose the name because they wanted him to be a leader.

2. 缩写词



- The DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) organization is dedicated to promoting patriotism and preserving American history.

- DAR (Dual Axis Radiography) is a technology used to image dynamic processes in materials and structures.

3. 电机制造商

Darren Electric是一家总部位于美国德克萨斯州的电机制造商,专业生产和开发各种电机和功率装置。


- Darren Electric has been a leading provider of high-quality motors for over 50 years.

- The new product line from Darren Electric promises to revolutionize the industry.

4. 影视剧人物

Darren Criss是一位美国演员和歌手,最著名的角色是在美国音乐剧电视剧《欢乐合唱团》中饰演的布莱恩·斯托克。


- Darren Criss won an Emmy for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan in "The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story."

- Fans of "Glee" were devastated when Darren Criss announced he was leaving the show.

5. 地名

Darren也是英国一些城市和村庄的名称,如英国威尔士南部的Darren Valley。


- The Darren Valley is a beautiful area of Wales that is perfect for hiking and exploring.

- Darren is a small town located in the heart of the English countryside.





1. Darren is determined to succeed in his career no matter what obstacles he may face. (达伦决心在自己的职业生涯中取得成功,无论遇到任何障碍。)

2. I have a friend named Darren who is always there for me when I need him. (我有一个叫达伦的朋友,每当我需要他时,他总是在我身边。)




例句:The 32-year-old driver is Hong Kong resident Darren Shum (油车司机证实是xx岁的 香港居民岑大勇)


例句:And don't you worry about Darren, you will not be seeing him again, okay? (难道你不 担心达伦, 你将不会看到他 再次,好吗?)


1. Darren: My busking experience is quite limited but it's been quite good. (翻译:戴润:我街头表演的经历不是很多,但却相当不错。)

2. If they think Darren saw anything that night, they'll be looking to silence him next. (翻译:如果他们认为Darren在那晚看到了什么 接下来会让他永远出不了声)

3. Darren cullen has power of attorney over his mother judy. (翻译:Darren Cullen有他的母亲Judy的委托权 Darren Cullen has power of attorney over his mother Judy.)

4. I couriered it to Darren in New York. (翻译:我让信使把它送给在纽约的达伦。)

5. ... Please pick up line one. Cynthia, Darren's still in surgery. (翻译:Cynthia Darren还在手术中 可能得等很久)

6. There was a robbery at his bank this morning, (翻译:- Darren工作的银行今早发生抢劫 他受伤了)

7. And if anyone is getting fired here, it's you, darren. (翻译:如果有人得离开的话 应该是你 Darren)

8. One from Catherine, another one from a kid named Darren. (翻译:一条是Catherine 另一条是一个叫Darren的男孩)

9. Mother died of renal failure three years ago, so Travis was Darren's legal guardian. (翻译:所以Travis是Darren的合法监护人)

10. It was Kangkang. "Oh, Darren! There you are! It's great to see you! " (翻译:原来是康康。“哦,达伦!你在这儿!见到你太好了!”)

11. Darren. Like, it just sounds wrong. Like, "hi. (翻译:听起来就不对 听着 你好 我是Darren)

12. And now the only time I use a mic Is after darren's first false exit, when I say, (翻译:现在我唯一能拿上麦的机会是 Darren第一次假装下场的时候)

13. Petty Officer Darren Cove and Adrian Corbett, the inspiration behind two of McGee's characters: (翻译:Adrian Corbett McGee书中两个人物 Cameron Meyer和Jared Brenner)

14. His replacement was Darren Henley Peligro. (翻译:他的继任者是达伦·亨利·佩利格罗。)

15. Their names are Petty Officer Darren Cove and Adrian Corbett. (翻译:死者的名字是Darren Cove中士 以及Adrian Corbett)

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