old man是什么意思 old man的中文翻译、读音、例句

old man是什么意思 old man的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义和用法方面:

“Old man”通常指年纪较大的男性,有时也用来称呼父亲或丈夫。在口语中,有时也可以用来形容男性朋友或同事。


- My old man is turning 70 next month.

- John is my old man. We’ve been friends since college.

- She’s married to an old man who is twice her age.

2. 社交礼仪方面:

在一些国家,特别是亚洲国家,对于老年人的称呼方式有着特定的社交礼仪。在这些国家中,用“old man”来称呼老年男性通常不被认为是恰当的,更常用的是“uncle”、“grandpa”、“elder”等称谓。


- In Japan, it’s more polite to address an older man as “ojisan” (uncle) rather than “old man”.

- In Chinese culture, it’s respectful to call older men “lao bai xing” (elder) instead of “old man”.

- When speaking to your elders in Korea, you should address them as “ajusshi” or “halbae” (grandpa) rather than “old man”.

3. 俚语和缩写方面:

“Old man”还可以是一些俚语和缩写的形式。例如,“old man”可以指男性的阴茎,在某些场合中使用。另外,“OM”也是“old man”的缩写,通常用于短信、聊天等场合,意为“老头”。


- He’s always bragging about the size of his old man.

- I just got a text from my OM, he’s on his way home.

- OM is coming over to watch the game tonight.

以上是'old man'这个单词或者缩写词的相关内容,希望对您有所帮助。


读音:[ōld mæn]


1. The old man lives alone in a small house.


2. The old man was walking slowly with a cane.


3. The children often visited their old grandfather.


old man的中文解释是"非正式用语、有些人称它们的父亲",作为名词时有"老头子"的意思,在线发音:[əuld mæn],old man在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到30个与old man相关的例句。

Old man的中文翻译


例句:And the old man? A few weeks after Rory went to visit him, the old man died. (And the old man? 老人就去世了 the old man died.)


例句:You know what my old man used to say to me? (知道吗 我老爸以前总和我说 You know what my old man used to say to me?)


例句:Wants to be just like his old man. (打算继承父业 Wants to be just like his old man.)


例句:And then he met the old man." (翻译:接着他遇见了那位老人 And then he met the old man.)


old man一般作为名词使用,如在the old man(黄发)、dirty old man(n. 老色鬼)、grand old man(n. 元老,前辈)等常见短语中出现较多。

the old man黄发
dirty old mann. 老色鬼
grand old mann. 元老,前辈
old clothes manna. 旧衣商
Old Man Jenkins[网络] 老贾先生
Old Man Winter[网络] 老人的冬天;冬季老伯;冬至
old man workings古代坑
personated old mann. 老生
man for man[网络] 以命抵命;一个对一个


1. Wants to be just like his old man. (翻译:打算继承父业 Wants to be just like his old man.)

2. And then he met the old man." (翻译:接着他遇见了那位老人 And then he met the old man.)

3. Help you down there, old man? (翻译:要我扶你吗,老头? Help you down there, old man?)

4. So, Erik killed his old man and then stole the paintings? Yep. (翻译:Erik killed his old man and then stole the paintings?)

5. The old man wants to see me. (翻译:The old man wants to see me.)

6. Plenty of time for that, old man. (翻译:老头,还有很多时间。不用急著走 Plenty of time for that, old man.)

7. An old man trying to stay fit in a young world. (翻译:An old man trying to stay fit in a young world.)

8. Have a beer with your old man. (翻译:Have a beer with your old man.)

9. Warren goddamit, you leave that old man alone! (翻译:尼玛的 沃伦 别烦那个老人 Warren goddamit, you leave that old man alone!)

10. - You want me dead, old man? (翻译:-老头子 你想我死么 -准备受死吧 - You want me dead, old man?)

11. Not a hint of feeling from the old man. (翻译:没觉得会在老头这找到什么线索 Not a hint of feeling from the old man.)

12. And two weeks ago, the old man up and left the tribe. (翻译:两周前这老头起身,离开部落 And two weeks ago, the old man up and left the tribe.)

13. -...if her old man was a thief. (翻译:-如果她老爸曾是个贼... -那是同情还是理解? if her old man was a thief.)

14. Well, He'd say, there goes my smart old man. (翻译:there goes my smart old man.)

15. I didn't get the cover of this, some old man got it. (翻译:some old man got it.)


old man作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、old、men等。

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