pit bull是什么意思 pit bull的中文翻译、读音、例句

pit bull是什么意思 pit bull的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:pit bull指的是一种狗的品种,通常有着强壮的身体和锋利的牙齿,性格坚韧、勇敢、忠诚。在美国,这种狗有时也被称作斗牛犬。

词性:pit bull是一个名词短语,由两个单词组成。

词组搭配:有些常用的搭配包括:a pit bull attack(一次斗牛犬的攻击)、raise a pit bull(养一只斗牛犬)、a pit bull owner(一位斗牛犬的主人)等。

短语:没有针对“pit bull”的特定短语。

发音拼写:pit bull的发音为[pit bul]。


1. My neighbor’s pit bull is always barking and growling at me. (我邻居的斗牛犬总是对我吠叫和咆哮。)

2. The pit bull was trained to be a police dog and is now helping to catch criminals.(这只斗牛犬被训练成了一只警犬,现在正在帮助抓捕罪犯。)

3. After the pit bull attack, the man had to be hospitalized for several weeks.(在斗牛犬的攻击后,这个人不得不住院数周。)

4. Many people fear pit bulls because they have a reputation for being aggressive.(很多人害怕斗牛犬,因为它们有攻击性的名声。)

5. The family decided to adopt a pit bull puppy from the animal shelter.(这个家庭决定从动物收容所领养一只斗牛犬小狗。)

'Pit bull'这个词源于英语,它是指一种体型较小但非常强壮、勇敢、敏捷的犬种,被广泛应用于护卫、医疗工作以及娱乐活动中。它通常被翻译成“斗牛犬”,这是由于该犬种曾用于狗斗。现今,它的用法不仅指代该犬种,还泛指具有攻击性的犬种。

以下是9个使用“pit bull”的例句:

1. The pit bull Terrier is a loyal and fearless breed of dog. (美国英语) 斗牛犬是一种忠诚勇敢的犬种。

2. Pit bulls are highly intelligent, which makes them excellent working dogs. (英国英语) 斗牛犬非常聪明,这使得它们成为优秀的工作犬。

3. Two pit bulls were involved in a vicious dog attack yesterday. (澳大利亚英语) 昨天有两只斗牛犬参与了一起狠毒的狗攻击事件。

4. Many people believe pit bulls are naturally aggressive, but this is a misconception. (新西兰英语) 许多人认为斗牛犬天生具有攻击性,但这是一个误解。

5. The tabloid ran a sensational headline about a pit bull attack in the city. (加拿大英语) 小报刊登了一篇轰动性的头条新闻,报道了该市的一起斗牛犬攻击事件。

6. Pit bulls are often used in therapy programs to help people with disabilities or mental illness. (美国英语) 斗牛犬常常被用于治疗计划中,帮助残疾人和精神疾病患者。

7. A man was fined for walking his pit bull without a leash in a public park. (英国英语) 一名男子因在公园里不系绳子遛斗牛犬而受到罚款。

8. Pit bull owners should take responsibility for their pets' behavior and train them properly. (加拿大英语) 斗牛犬的主人应该对宠物的行为负责,并进行适当的训练。

9. The film features a pit bull as the main character's faithful companion. (澳大利亚英语) 电影中有一只斗牛犬作为主人公的忠诚伙伴。


读音:pít bù


1. Some people consider pit bulls to be dangerous, but it’s really how they are raised and trained that determines their behavior.(有些人认为斗牛犬很危险,但实际上它们的行为取决于它们的养育和训练。)

2. The owner of the pit bull was held responsible for the attack on the child.(斗牛犬的主人因袭击孩子而被追究责任。)

3. The pit bull has a muscular and powerful build, and was originally bred for fighting.(斗牛犬的体型肌肉结实且强壮,最初是为了进行斗狗而被繁殖出来的。)

pit bull通常被翻译为"铁杆派卫士"的意思,其中文解释还有"铁杆派卫士"的意思,发音是[pit bul],pit bull是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到70个与pit bull相关的句子。

Pit bull的词典翻译


例句:He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull. (他因没有给一条比特犬戴口套而被判有罪。)


pit bull一般作为名词使用,如在pit bull terrier(n. 美洲叭喇狗,美洲嚣犬)、the bull([网络] 公牛;金牛座;斗牛秀)、pit(①矿井②深坑 )等常见短语中出现较多。

pit bull terriern. 美洲叭喇狗,美洲嚣犬
the bull[网络] 公牛;金牛座;斗牛秀
pit in[网络] 临时休息桌
pit with起凹点;使留下疤痕,留下麻点
the pit[网络] 深渊;深坑;陷阱
to pit青贮
fighting bull欧洲斗牛
Gold Bull[网络] 金牛;黄金牛


1. He was treed by a bull. (翻译:他被公牛赶上了树。)

2. Like a pit bull, piranhas will tear the flesh from your bones. Also like a pit bull, they bark. [piranha audio type 1] Kind of. (翻译:如同斗牛一样,食人鱼可以撕出人骨头中的肌肉,它们也会像斗牛一样的吼叫[食人鱼音频类型之一]。)

3. Pit will make it right. Has the pit ever taken a it always does. (翻译:坑会作出正确选择 它总是 一样 坑曾经采取了)

4. You can go, like, "Dude, I got bit a pit bull in a bar." (翻译:- 就在帕蒂酒吧! 简直太棒了! - 很棒!)

5. The old bull is victorious. (翻译:老斗士胜利了 {\3cH202020}The old bull is victorious.)

6. Look, my room's over there, and over here, we have... the pit. (翻译:我的房间在那 这边是... the pit. 温床)

7. Ever had a snickerdoodle, Bull? (翻译:曾经有一个snickerdoodle, 公牛)

8. But it's pit crews that we need, pit crews for patients. (翻译:但是我们真正需要的是赛车维修队 针对病人的维修队)

9. We need you to win that pitfight. (翻译:这场决斗 你得赢 We need you to win that pit -fight.)

10. Do your time, win a pitfight, (翻译:赢下一场决斗 do your time, win a Pit -fight,)

11. Napster is, is bull[beep]. (翻译:难道不是吗? Napster的是,公牛[哔]。)

12. Detective Chief Superintendent Mary Bull, CID. (翻译:我是刑事厅的高级刑侦主管Mary Bull)

13. - It's quieter down the pit! (翻译:- 矿井下比你这儿安静得多! - 算了,J?)

14. And once they were sure the bomb was on the inside of Barrio 13, and that it wasn't going anywhere, they got their best pit-bull to set it in motion. (翻译:一旦他们确定炸弹抵达13区 也不会被运到别区 他们就派出精英来执行任务)

15. That's a load of bull! (翻译:那是胡说八道! )

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