clement是什么意思 clement的中文翻译、读音、例句

clement是什么意思 clement的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. clement weather:温和的天气。

2. clement treatment:宽容的待遇。

3. clement spirit:仁慈的精神。

4. clementine:小柑橘。






1. He was a clement judge who always sought to find ways to rehabilitate offenders.(他是一位仁慈的法官,总是努力寻找改造罪犯的方法。)

2. The clement weather made for a perfect day to go hiking.(温和的天气让这成为一个完美的徒步旅行日。)

3. The teacher showed clement understanding to the student who had missed several classes due to illness.(老师对因病缺课的学生表现出宽容的理解。)




例句:Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down. (洛扎诺声称摩托车手克莱门特•劳埃德当时正试图撞他。)


例句:Most rulers and a few city councils did a little to protect Jews; Pope Clement threatened to excommunicate their persecutors. (大部分统治者都没有设法保护犹太人,一些市议会也没有;罗马教皇克莱蒙特威胁说要将迫害犹太人的那些人逐出教会。)


例句:No one know of my existence, the great artist the mirror to see their true: my name is clement Matthew, failed musician, failed. (没有人知道我的存在,伟大的艺术家镜子看到自己真正的:我的名字叫克莱门特马太,失败的音乐家,失败了。)


例句:There was an action group of which Clement Davies was chairman, the Liberal leader, and I was secretary. (翻译:有一个活动团体 由自由党领袖克莱门特·戴维斯 做主席,我则是秘书长)


clement一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在pivot clement(主元素)、pope clement([网络] 教宗克勉;教皇克勒芒五世;教宗克里蒙)、sensing clement(敏感元件;检测元件)等常见短语中出现较多。

pivot clement主元素
pope clement[网络] 教宗克勉;教皇克勒芒五世;教宗克里蒙
sensing clement敏感元件;检测元件
St Clement[地名] 圣克莱门特 ( 英 )
resistance thermometer clement热电阻元件
St Clement Danes[网络] 丹麦圣克莱蒙教堂
Terrington St Clement[地名] 特灵顿圣克莱门特 ( 英 )


1. No one know of my existence, the great artist the mirror to see their true: my name is clement Matthew, failed musician, failed. (翻译:没有人知道我的存在,伟大的艺术家镜子看到自己真正的:我的名字叫克莱门特马太,失败的音乐家,失败了。)

2. There was an action group of which Clement Davies was chairman, the Liberal leader, and I was secretary. (翻译:有一个活动团体 由自由党领袖克莱门特·戴维斯 做主席,我则是秘书长)

3. Clement Fayat also owns three vineyards in Bordeaux. What Fayat family believes is building for the future, live for now. (翻译:也许建筑和葡萄酒,看起来似乎风马牛不相及,却都延续着法亚家族一贯的信仰:为未来而建筑,为现在而生活。)

4. We could watch the madman on clement days , sauntering and skipping among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns . (翻译:在天气暖和的日子里,我们可以看到一些疯子在整齐的碎石小径和美丽的人工草地间闲逛和跳来蹦去。)

5. It's my understanding that Mr. Clement was working at Mr. Skarssen's residence the night he was killed. (翻译:就我所知, 克莱蒙在他丧命当晚 正在史卡森的宅邸工作)

6. In 1860, French economist Clement Juglar identified the presence of cycles 8 to 11 years long. (翻译:xx年,法国经济学家朱格拉确定克莱门特存在周期8至xx岁长。)

7. According to Clement of Alexandria, Matthew was a vegetarian. (翻译:与亚历山大时期的克莱门特相应,马修是一个素食主义者。)

8. Gallicano is collaborating with Stephen Clement, director of the Georgetown Diabetes Center, on this technique. (翻译:加里卡诺正在和另一个同行,乔治城糖尿病中心的主任史蒂芬卡莱门特合作。)

9. In 1969, the Senate voted down the Supreme Court nomination of Clement F. Haynsworth, the first such rejection since 1930. (翻译:xx年的今天,参议院投票否决克莱门特F。海恩斯瓦什担任最高法院大法官的提名,这是自xx年以来首次发对。)

10. Him uglier still is Clement Parmalee. (翻译:更丑的是Clement Permalee)

11. The last thing Schumer told Ella was that Clement was giving him information on an IBBC arms deal. (翻译:舒默告诉艾拉的最后一件事 是克莱蒙要拿军火交易文件给他)

12. This gave them the name "Copperheads. " One important Copperhead was a former congressman from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham. (翻译:其中有一位重要的人物,他是俄亥俄州前国会议员,他叫克莱门特.法兰迪加姆。)

13. Maria got to know about it from the press, but never heard anything else anymore about Clement Tibere. (翻译:玛利亚跟大家一样 是从报上知道的 她也跟大家一样 不知道帝贝尔别的消息)

14. But I suspect a sense of modesty is an impertinence... to such a lady as Mrs. Clement. (翻译:你不能管像克来蒙这样的 女士的谦虚叫做粗鲁)

15. I'm Clement Mathieu, musician, every night, I compose for them. (翻译:我叫做克雷芒马修 一个音乐家 而每个夜晚 我为他们创作)

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