词组搭配:artemisia absinthium(苦艾草)、artemisia annua(青蒿)、artemisia vulgaris(艾蒿)。
发音拼写:/ɑːtɪˈmiːziə/ (英式发音),/ɑrtəˈmizjə/ (美式发音)
1. Artemisia annua is commonly known as sweet wormwood.(青蒿通常被称为甜艾草。)
2. Artemisia vulgaris is used in traditional medicine to help regulate menstrual flow.(艾蒿在传统药物中用于帮助调节月经流量。)
3. The artemisia absinthium is a main ingredient in the alcoholic drink absinthe.(苦艾草是酒精饮料苦艾酒的主要成分。)
4. In Greek mythology, Artemisia was a goddess of the hunt and wilderness.(在希腊神话中,阿耳忒弥斯是狩猎和野外的女神。)
5. Artemisia plants are known for their strong, distinctive fragrance.(艾蒿植物以其强烈、独特的香气而著称。)
1. L'artemisia può essere utilizzata come rimedio naturale per trattare problemi di digestione. (意大利语:Artemisia可以作为天然疗法来治疗消化问题。)
2. Artemisia annua is an essential medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine. (英语:Artemisia annua是传统中药中不可或缺的草药。)
3. La tisana di Artemisia è un ottimo rimedio per curare l'insonnia. (意大利语:Artemisia茶是治疗失眠的良药。)
4. Artemisia vulgaris has been used in Mexican traditional medicine to help relieve menstrual cramps. (英语:Artemisia vulgaris在墨西哥传统医学中被用来缓解经痛。)
5. La Artemisia annua è una pianta che cresce in Cina e Vietnam. (意大利语:Artemisia annua是在中国和越南生长的植物。)
6. Artemisia absinthium is commonly known as wormwood and is used as a natural remedy for digestive problems. (英语:Artemisia absinthium通常被称为艾叶,被用作治疗消化问题的天然疗法。)
7. L'Artemisia annua è stata utilizzata come rimedio naturale nella medicina tradizionale vietnamita per curare la malaria. (意大利语:Artemisia annua在越南传统医学中被用作治疗疟疾的天然疗法。)
8. In Korea, Artemisia princeps is often used in traditional cuisine to add flavor to dishes. (英语:在韩国,Artemisia princeps常用于传统烹饪中,用于增添菜肴的味道。)
9. La Artemisia afra è una pianta medicinale utilizzata comunemente in Africa. (意大利语:Artemisia afra是一种常见的药用植物,在非洲广泛使用。)
1. Artemisia annua is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb.
2. The artemisia absinthium is a herbaceous plant that is commonly used to make absinthe.
例句:Drugs derived from the plant Artemisia annua must be used as ACTs in combination with a second drug, and not alone. (源自青蒿植物的药物必须作为以青蒿素为基础的联合治疗药物与第二种药物联合而不是单独使用。)
例句:I have agreed to let Artemisia do his portrait. (但是我儿子反对 我已经同意阿尔特米西亚画他的肖像)
例句:A report of 50 patients with artemisia pollenosis and plant food allergy (兼具蒿属花粉症和植物类食物过敏患者50例临床分析)
4.蒿 、植艾
例句:Water-soluble polysaccharide was isolated and purified from Artemisia anomal using techniques of extraction precipiation, and purification. (翻译:对奇蒿的水溶性多糖成分进行了分离提取及成分分析。)
artemisia一般作为名词使用,如在genus Artemisia([网络] 蒿属)、Leonurus artemisia(n. 益母草)等常见短语中出现较多。
genus Artemisia | [网络] 蒿属 |
Leonurus artemisia | n. 益母草 |
1. A report of 50 patients with artemisia pollenosis and plant food allergy (翻译:兼具蒿属花粉症和植物类食物过敏患者50例临床分析)
2. Water-soluble polysaccharide was isolated and purified from Artemisia anomal using techniques of extraction precipiation, and purification. (翻译:对奇蒿的水溶性多糖成分进行了分离提取及成分分析。)
3. Study on Technique of Plant Tissue Culture of Wild Vegetable Artemisia dracunculus l. (翻译:野生蔬菜龙蒿的组织培养技术研究。)
4. CONCLUSIONS: Certain TCMs have cross antigenicity with Artemisia pollen, which can induce or worsen pollenosis symptoms. (翻译:结论某些中药制剂与蒿属花粉等有交叉抗原性,可以诱发或加重花粉症症状。)
5. WHO recommends combinations that contain derivatives of artemisinin — a substance extracted from the plant Artemisia annua — along with another effective antimalarial drug. (翻译:世卫组织建议使用含青蒿素副产品和另一种有效抗疟药物的联合化疗。青蒿素是从青蒿植物中提炼出来的一种物质。)
6. Artemisia argyi high in front of dance, sickness, driving away evil gas, anti-Wudu, happily the Dragon Boat Festival. (翻译:艾蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。)
7. He was actually living in the Kibera slums when his father called him and told him about Artemisia and the value-add potential. (翻译:当他爸告诉他青蒿和它的增长潜力时 他还是一位住在Kibera贫民窟的人。)
8. Specially, Artemisinin which is distilled from Artemisia anova has been widely used for curing ague and has great curative effect. (翻译:目前开发较好的是青蒿素及其衍生物,并已成为治疗疟疾的一线药物。)
9. Now, this plant is an Artemisia plant; it's the basic component for artemisinin, which is the best-known treatment for malaria. (翻译:现在,有一种蒿属植物 是可以从里面提取出青蒿素的基本组成部分, 而青蒿素是治疗疟疾的最著名药物。)
10. The main constituents of Artemisia scoparia Waldst et kit were suggested to be volatile oils and coumarins. (翻译:试验结果表明:茵陈中的主要成分为挥发油、香豆素。)
11. None greater than his finest naval commander, Artemisia. (翻译:其中最位高权重的... 就属海军统帅雅特米西亚)
12. Now, this plant is an Artemisia plant; it's the basic component for artemisinin, which is the best-known treatment for malaria. (翻译:现在,有一种蒿属植物 是可以从里面提取出青蒿素的基本组成部分, 而青蒿素是治疗疟疾的最著名药物。)
13. At present, the base has begun to take shape, welcome all over interested in the development of peer Artemisia annul, guiding visitors. (翻译:目前,该基地已初具规模,欢迎各地有志于青蒿开发的同行,前来参观指导。)
14. He was actually living in the Kibera slums when his father called him and told him about Artemisia and the value-add potential. (翻译:当他爸告诉他青蒿和它的增长潜力时他还是一位住在Kibera贫民窟的人。)
15. ObjectiveTo study the optimal conditions and the technological parameters for enrichment process of total flavone of Artemisia rupestris L. with macroporous absorption resin. (翻译:目的研究大孔树脂吸附法富集一枝蒿总黄酮的工艺条件及参数。)