microwave resonators是什么意思 microwave resonators的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave resonators是什么意思 microwave resonators的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave resonators在英语中代表"微波共振器"的意思,在英美地区还有"微波共振器"的意思,在线发音:[microwaveresonators],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到36个与microwave resonators相关的例句。

Microwave resonators的翻译


例句:Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck. (再送你个小微波炉串起来挂脖上 Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck.)


microwave resonators一般作为名词使用,如在resonators((resonator 的复数) n. 共鸣器, 共鸣体, 共振器\n[化] 共振腔; 共振器; 共振电子排布)、disk resonators(磁碟共振腔)、Helmholtz resonators([网络] 亥姆霍兹共振器;赫姆霍兹声腔;共振吸音器)等常见短语中出现较多。

resonators(resonator 的复数) n. 共鸣器, 共鸣体, 共振器\n[化] 共振腔; 共振器; 共振电子排布
disk resonators磁碟共振腔
Helmholtz resonators[网络] 亥姆霍兹共振器;赫姆霍兹声腔;共振吸音器
optical resonators[电子] 光学共振器
resonators for lasers[网络] 激光用共振腔;雷射用共振腔
Helmboltz's resonators[医] 黑姆霍耳茨氏共鸣器
millimeter wave resonators毫米波共振器,毫米波谐振器
digital microwave数字微波,数位微波


1. I blew him to mush like a midget in a microwave. (翻译:我把他炸成了碎片 就像可以放在微波庐里的侏儒)

2. Fully equipped, big kitchen, water bed, microwave. (翻译:包括全部装备 大厨房,水床... 收音机,磁碟机,微波炉)

3. Effect of microwave pretreatment power, pretreatment time and different microwave pretreatment conditions on the rection was discussed. (翻译:探讨了微波预处理功率、预处理时间及在不同条件下预处理对反应的影响。)

4. This is the WMAP microwave background that we see. (翻译:这是威尔金森微波各向异性探测器 的微波背景, 正如我们看到的。)

5. An instrument similar to a marimba but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators to produce a vibrato. (翻译:电颤琴一种类似马林巴琴的乐器,只不过它金属杆并靠共振器中旋转的盘产生颤音)

6. Laser microwave applicable to such culvert. (翻译:激光微波适用于涵洞等。)

7. Is the inside of your microwave sporting some soup splatters? (翻译:微波炉里是不是有一些汤洒出来了? )

8. The observation with scanning electron microscope of the dentin treated with microwave and NaF (翻译:微波协同氟化钠治疗牙本质过敏症扫描电镜观察)

9. He put the sagging box in the microwave and nuked it. (翻译:他将那个变得松软的盒子放入微波炉烹饪。)

10. He threatens to microwave it. (翻译:威胁我要用微波炉加热 {\3cH202020}He threatens to microwave it.)

11. Tweaker tried to dry the kid in a microwave. (翻译:混蛋企图用微波炉把孩子烤干 Tweaker tried to dry the kid in a microwave.)

12. The hardness of microwave boriding is higher than that of conventional boriding. (翻译:与常规渗硼渗层相比,微波渗硼的渗层硬度高、耐磨性好。)

13. Would you care for more microwave popcorn? (翻译:还想再吃点微波炉爆米花吗 Would you care for more microwave popcorn?)

14. A microwave and a bottle whiskey is not many presents. (翻译:一个微波炉和一瓶威士忌 可不能算太多礼物)

15. This theory can be used to develop a microwave phase conjugator. (翻译:这一理论可用于微波频段相位共轭器的研制。)

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