mixed hemorrhoid是什么意思 mixed hemorrhoid的中文翻译、读音、例句

mixed hemorrhoid是什么意思 mixed hemorrhoid的中文翻译、读音、例句

mixed hemorrhoid的中文解释是"混合痔",在英美地区还有"混合痔"的意思,单词读音音标为[mixedhemorrhoid],mixed hemorrhoid在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与mixed hemorrhoid相关的句子。

Mixed hemorrhoid的中文翻译


例句:It means someone of mixed heritage. (是混血儿的意思 It means someone of mixed heritage.)


mixed hemorrhoid一般作为名词使用,如在hemorrhoid(痔疮 )、external hemorrhoid(外痔)、hemorrhoid and fistula(痔瘘)等常见短语中出现较多。

external hemorrhoid外痔
hemorrhoid and fistula痔瘘
hemorrhoid ligator痔结扎器
incarcerated hemorrhoid嵌顿痔
internal hemorrhoid内痔
lingual hemorrhoid[医] 舌静脉曲张
mucocutaneous hemorrhoid黏膜皮肤痔
pedicle of hemorrhoid痔蒂


1. And they all have... mixed agendas. (翻译:这是他们的存活之道 都是明里一套 暗里一套)

2. Brian is lost in the world, and I can believe that he is mixed up with this drug. (翻译:Brian过得浑浑噩噩 Brian is lost in the world, 我也相信他可能在服用这种药 and I can believe that he is mixed up with this drug.)

3. One has mixed emotions when you see the end of a fight. (翻译:比赛结束后 我的感情很复杂 One has mixed emotions when you see the end of a fight.)

4. Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate. (翻译:顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。)

5. But once it's mixed, be somewhere else. (翻译:瞩・レ蔆翩 淏メフヌ臀N゚・ン・声ヌ・ツホム)

6. Our forger already mixed the dye. (翻译:伪造者已经把染料混合了 Our forger already mixed the dye.)

7. You call me in a meeting, said you were mixed up in something. (翻译:在我开会的时候打来电话 You call me in a meeting, 说自己惹上了什么事 said you were mixed up in something. 那是...)

8. It is not to be mixed with aspirin products. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}它不能和阿司匹林药物一起服用)

9. - Were you mixed up in that? (翻译:你参与了那件事吗 我爸爸是的 - Were you mixed up in that?)

10. Chinese music could be mixed in with Eastern European music mixed in with orchestral music. (翻译:这就是为什么一直以来都不是你负责 布里 你没有从整体着眼 零件是垃圾 我正是那样说的)

11. And sometimes I get the pedals mixed up. (翻译:有时候我会把刹车和油门搞混 And sometimes I get the pedals mixed up.)

12. Biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels. (翻译:生物燃料能够和传统燃料混合。)

13. Reaction to the visit is mixed. (翻译:对这次访问的反应不一。)

14. Mixed use is popular, but when I say mixed, I mean mixed incomes, mixed age groups as well as mixed-land use. (翻译:溷合利用很流行,我所指的溷合, 是指不同收入,不同年龄的群体, 还有对于土地的综合利用。)

15. - I mixed up Georgia the state with... (翻译:-不是吧 {\3cH202020} - I mixed up Georgia the state with... - No.)

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