molecular ecology是什么意思 molecular ecology的中文翻译、读音、例句

molecular ecology是什么意思 molecular ecology的中文翻译、读音、例句

molecular ecology在英语中代表"分子生态学"的意思,其中文解释还有"分子生态学"的意思,发音音标为[molecularecology],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到17个与molecular ecology相关的句子。

Molecular ecology的中文翻译


例句:The recent research advancements of taxonomy, molecular evolution, molecular biology and chemical treatment in microspore were discussed. (从分类、分子进化、分子生物学、化学治疗等方面综述了微孢子虫研究的进展。)


molecular ecology一般作为名词使用,如在molecular microbial ecology(分子微生物生态学)、ecology(生态学 )、molecular(分子的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

molecular microbial ecology分子微生物生态学
ecology block[网络] 生态块
ecology blocks[网络] 生态块
ecology environment生态环境
ecology footprint[网络] 足印
ecology freak[蔑词] 起劲的环境保护论者,一味关注生态保护的怪人,环境保护问题狂热者
Ecology Mark无公害商品标记


1. That voice is today more and more the voice of ecology. (翻译:That voice is today more and more the voice of ecology. 那个声音 现下越来越来自于生态学)

2. And that ecology is necessarily relative, historical and empirical. (翻译:而这个生态也必定是相对的, 历史的和经验的。)

3. The researches cover molecular biology, physiology, general biology, ecology, informational biology, histology and biochemistry etc. (翻译:该研究所的研究主要涵盖分子生物学,生理学,普通生物学,生态学,情报学,组织学以及生物化学等。)

4. There are three functional areas in Tongbai including ecology-support district, product-supplied district and ecology adjust district. (翻译:将桐柏县划分为生态支持区,产品供给区,生态调节区。)

5. Stanford, I majored in ecology and evolution. (翻译:在斯坦福大学,我主修生态学和生物进化学。)

6. And that ecology is necessarily relative, historical and empirical. (翻译:而这个生态也必定是相对的, 历史的和经验的。)

7. My formula for molecular nitramene. (翻译:我的分子三硝基苯甲硝胺炸弹的配方 my formula for molecular nitramine.)

8. This is the molecular formula of diazine. (翻译:这是氯哒嗪的分子式。)

9. I believe this has got to be, in part, a building ecology problem. (翻译:我认为其中部分原因必定在于 建筑物的生态问题)

10. Now that picture of an ecology of creativity, the picture of an ecology of balanced creativity, is that the ecology of creativity we have right now? (翻译:现在那是一幅创造性生态图, 一幅生态平衡的 由创作环境, 这样的创作生态我们现在拥有了么? )

11. Application of the paspalum for improving soil-water conditions and agricultural ecology (翻译:百喜草治理水土流失及改善生态的研究与应用)

12. This perspective is a really powerful one for designers, because you can bring on principles of ecology, and a really important principle of ecology is dispersal, the way organisms move around. (翻译:这个观点对设计师来说十分有用 因为你可套用生态学原则 生态学中一个十分重要的原则就是分布 即有机体的传播方式)

13. It interferes with the molecular receptors that are vital to memory and learning. (翻译:干扰对记忆和学习能力至关重要的分子的神经末梢 It interferes with the molecular receptors that are vital to memory and learning.)

14. Advance in the Diapause and Its Physiology and Ecology Studies on Marine Planktonic Copepod (翻译:海洋浮游桡足类滞育及其生理生态学研究进展)

15. Research Interests: Comparative Genome and Molecular Evolution, Animal Genetic Diversity and DNA Molecular Marker, Amphioxus. (翻译:研究兴趣:比较基因组与分子进化,动物遗传多样性与DNA分子标记,文昌鱼。)

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