multiplication by variables是什么意思 multiplication by variables的中文翻

multiplication by variables是什么意思 multiplication by variables的中文翻

multiplication by variables在中文中有"乘变量"的意思,还经常被翻译为乘变数,单词读音音标为[multiplicationbyvariables],multiplication by variables来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到12个与multiplication by variables相关的句子。

Multiplication by variables的词典翻译


例句:It draws lines between variables, connecting them in a seemingly arbitrary manner. (它可以在变量之间 It draws lines between variables, 建立看似随机的联系 connecting them in a seemingly arbitrary manner.)


例句:First Multiplication, then Parentheses, but that didn't work. (首先是“乘” 再来是“括号” 但他们失败了 )


multiplication by variables一般作为名词使用,如在variables(n. 变量)、multiplication(①乘法②增加 )、dichotomy of variables(变量的均分)等常见短语中出现较多。

variablesn. 变量
dichotomy of variables变量的均分
dimension variables标注变量
dual variables【数学】对偶变量
dynamic variables动态变量
dynamical variables动力学变量,动态变数
dominated variablesun. 控制变量
discrete variables[网络] 离散变量;间断变数;离散变量数学规划


1. Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism. (翻译:细胞的繁殖导致有机体的迅速生长。)

2. The vectorization expression of OPF is established by arranging the control variables and state variables according to the variable type. (翻译:通过将同类型的优化变量集中排列,建立最优潮流模型的矢量化表达形式。)

3. It is a war of variables and unknowns and all we can do is watch, surmise, and react. (翻译:这是一场充满变数的战争 It is a war of variables and unknowns and react.)

4. Thus it has no loops and no mutable variables . (翻译:因此这种语言没有循环,也没有可变的变量。)

5. It can only add, really, but multiplication... is just adding over and over again. (翻译:but multiplication...)

6. You're not doing your multiplication tables. (翻译:你不是在做乘法表。)

7. Only complex variables need to be initialized. (翻译:只有复杂的变量需要初始化。)

8. Some bad math with this Shrike fellow, huh? (翻译:那些丑陋的变量 {\3cH000000}all those ugly variables. huh?)

9. Step 1: Initializing environment variables. (翻译:步骤1:初始化环境变量。)

10. So, division -- we've used division because it's the inverse to multiplication, but as I've just said, the multiplication is a bit of a lie here. (翻译:除法—— 我们用除法是因为它是乘法的逆运算。但就像我刚才说的, 乘法表述在这里其实不太准确。)

11. Some have the Ten Commandments, calendars or the multiplication table on them. (翻译:有的上面有十诫、日历或者乘法表。)

12. Then two basic operations of K*TDG are discussed: addition and multiplication. (翻译:然后讨论了K~*TDG模型的两种基本运算:加法和乘法。)

13. Just go through the variables. (翻译:只是想排除所有的变量因素 {\3cH202020}Just go through the variables.)

14. Effect of carbon sources and organic compounds on the multiplication of Oncidium aloha 'Iwanaga' PLB (翻译:碳源和有机添加物对文心兰原球茎增殖的影响)

15. Then, it was Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction, each in turn, always the same order. (翻译:接着是“乘”、“除” “加”、以及“减”,依序攻击 总是照着同样的顺序 )

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