multistep income statement是什么意思 multistep income statement的中文翻译、

multistep income statement是什么意思 multistep income statement的中文翻译、

multistep income statement的意思是"多级式收益表",其中文解释还有"会计"的意思,读音为[multistepincomestatement],multistep income statement在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到77个与multistep income statement相关的例句。

Multistep income statement的翻译


例句:What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income. (我们将国家根据收入水平分类: 低收入,中等收入以及高收入。)


例句:It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States. (它展示了收入,中国的平均收入 与之美国的平均收入百分比 )


multistep income statement一般作为名词使用,如在income statement([经] 收益表, 利润表, 损益表)、statement of income([经] 收益表)、multistep([计] 多步, 多级)等常见短语中出现较多。

income statement[经] 收益表, 利润表, 损益表
statement of income[经] 收益表
multistep[计] 多步, 多级
division income statement分部收益表
divisional income statement[经] 部门(分部)收益表
estimated income statement[经] 估计收益表
income statement account成果[损益]账户
income statement accounts[经] 损益表帐户, 收益表帐户
income statement adjustment损益计算书调整


1. - Why the fashion statement? (翻译:- Do you like it? - Why the fashion statement?)

2. With a statement saying he will have failed (翻译:With what? 定个声明 说失败的标准 With a statement saying he will have failed)

3. Grand Maester Pycelle, would you sanction that statement? (翻译:would you sanction that statement?)

4. Network wants a statement. (翻译:Network wants a statement.)

5. It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States. (翻译:它展示了收入,中国的平均收入 与之美国的平均收入百分比)

6. Great jobs, increased income and secure, profitable export orders. (翻译:好工作 高收入 出口订单也跑不了 Great jobs, increased income and secure, profitable export orders.)

7. - Maddox has just made a statement. (翻译:Maddox刚刚发表了声明 Maddox has just made a statement.)

8. POTUS has made a statement. (翻译:总统发表声明了 POTUS has made a statement.)

9. Emended his original statement. (翻译:校对他的原始声明 Emended his original statement.)

10. Mr. Shaw, I need a statement from you. (翻译:Mr. Shaw, I need a statement from you.)

11. Would you care to make a statement? (翻译:你有何解释 Would you care to make a statement?)

12. Has been recognized as most responsible for FASB 123, or Stock Option Expensing on the GAAP Income Statement . (翻译:已被公认为最负责任的的财务会计准则123,或股票选择权开支的公认会计准则损益表。)

13. Do you have any evidence to support that statement? (翻译:那你有什么证据证明吗 You have any evidence to support that statement?)

14. He has exactly one minute to complete the multistep task. (翻译:他恰好在一分钟之内完成了这多道工序。)

15. It's just easier for everybody. (翻译:这份是对粉丝的声明 This is a statement to my fans.)

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