myrothecum是什么意思 myrothecum的中文翻译、读音、例句

myrothecum是什么意思 myrothecum的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 法语:Le sachet d'herbes médicinales est rempli de tisanes pour la guérison.

2. 西班牙语:El saquito de hierbas medicinales está lleno de infusiones para la curación.

3. 意大利语:Il sacchetto di erbe medicinali è pieno di tisane per la guarigione.

4. 德语:Das Kräutertütchen ist voll mit Kräutertees zur Heilung.

5. 俄语:Травяной мешочек наполнен травяными чаями для лечения.

6. 乌克兰语:Трав'яний мішечок наповнений трав'яним чаєм для лікування.

7. 阿拉伯语:الكيس العشبي مليء بالمشروبات الصحية للعلاج.

8. 希腊语:Το σακουλάκι με βότανα είναι γεμάτο τσάια βότανων για θεραπεία.

9. 日语:ハーブの小袋には癒しのハーブティーが詰まっています。




例句:There's Ro-Tech, Anderson Seeds. (Ro -Tech啊 Anderson种子公司啊)


1. The leadership gap is being filled by a new generation, including Philipp Ro (翻译:自民党的领导断层注入了包括菲利普•罗斯勒一辈的新生代。)

2. I know you, Ro, I can see it. (翻译:我了解你 小萝 我能看出来的 I know you, Ro, I can see it.)

3. Prinsepia veilis Ro Yie has long history in use for medicine by Yunnan people. (翻译:青刺果在云南地方民间具有悠久的药用历史。)

4. One of the starff, wearing a strange hat, told us not ro worry about it. (翻译:一个带着奇特帽子的店员告诉我们不用担心。)

5. I don't know what a rum-soaked, ro-- (翻译:不好意思 我不知道什么 浸过朗姆酒的 玫瑰)

6. We haven't seen you lately, but I'm so busy and Ro 's pregnant so we haven't seen anyone. (翻译:我们近来没有见到你, 但是我如此忙碌,而且 Ro 是怀孕的, 因此我们没有见到任何人。)

7. K-Ro, born Oliver Robidoux, 5/78. (翻译:克罗, 生于xx年xx月,真名为奥里弗罗比多斯 上过康普顿的卢金格高中)

8. "Ke", "mu", "ro", and the uppercase English key on the left side. (翻译:KE,MU,RO,还有左边的英文全角变换键)

9. - "You Are My Friend." - "You Are My Friend." (翻译:-《You Are My Friend》 -《You Are My Friend》)

10. That's not all. He asked Ro to marry him. She had the presence of mind to say no. (翻译:不只这样,他还向罗莎莉求婚 还好她还清醒,拒绝了他)

11. Hey, Ro, it's Miles, again. I've been calling for like a week. (翻译:小萝 , 又是我 ,迈尔斯 我打给你一个礼拜了)

12. ¶ my, my, my, my, my, m-my, my, my, my, my ¶ (翻译:# my, my, my, my, my, m -my, my, my, my, my #)

13. CHA Seung-Jae, RO Jong-Yoon (翻译:CHA Seung -Jae, RO Jong)

14. He wanted my mother, my brother My sister and me (翻译:He wanted my mother, my brother My sister and me)

15. ♪ Always on my mind, in my heart, in my soul ♪ (翻译:♪ Always on my mind, in my heart, in my soul ♪)

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