发音拼写:Niki的发音为 /ˈnɪki/,拼写为N-i-k-i。
1. Niki is my best friend and we do everything together.(Niki是我最好的朋友,我们一起做所有的事情。)
2. My sister named her daughter Niki after her favorite character in a book.(我姐姐以她最喜欢的书中的角色为名给她的女儿取名为Niki。)
3. Niki is a common name in Greece, where it means "victory".(Niki在希腊是一个常见的名字,意思是“胜利”。)
4. Niki won the race and was awarded a gold medal.(Niki赢得了比赛,并获得了金牌。)
5. I can't forget the day Niki and I went on a road trip across the country.(我忘不了我和Niki一起驾车穿越全国的那一天。)
niki的中文翻译是“妮基”,读音为“nǐ jī”。例句:Niki是一位才华横溢的歌手。翻译:Niki is a talented singer.
例句:We were welcomed as if we were part of the family. Niki produced wonderful Cyprus meals. (来到这里,我们受到了家人一般的款待,妮凯给我们烹制出塞浦路斯的特色美食。)
例句:So Niki Lauda, just 42 days after his near-fatal accident at Nuburgring, will race here today, at Monza against all medical advice and no doubt in incredible pain. (尼基劳达 在纽柏林濒死意外的仅仅42天后 今天会在蒙萨出赛)
例句:Niki Lauda is under real pressure from James Hunt as they go up the hill into Druids Corner. (尼基劳达备受詹姆士亨特的压力 他们爬坡进入德鲁伊兹弯道)
例句:James hunt held off Niki lauda in his powerful Ferrari, and gave team hesketh their first win after three years of trying. (翻译:詹姆斯·亨特甩开了尼基·劳达 用他强有力的法拉利 这是赫斯基车队的第一次夺冠)
niki一般作为名词使用,如在Niki Lauda([网络] 劳达;尼基·劳达;罗达)、Novosokol'niki([地名] 新索科利尼基 ( 俄 ))、Pal'niki([地名] 帕利尼基 ( 俄 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Niki Lauda | [网络] 劳达;尼基·劳达;罗达 |
Novosokol'niki | [地名] 新索科利尼基 ( 俄 ) |
Pal'niki | [地名] 帕利尼基 ( 俄 ) |
Sokol'niki | [地名] 索科尔尼基 ( 俄 ) |
Tal'niki | [地名] 塔利尼基 ( 俄 ) |
Yel'niki | [地名] 叶利尼基 ( 俄 ) |
1. Niki Lauda is under real pressure from James Hunt as they go up the hill into Druids Corner. (翻译:尼基劳达备受詹姆士亨特的压力 他们爬坡进入德鲁伊兹弯道)
2. James hunt held off Niki lauda in his powerful Ferrari, and gave team hesketh their first win after three years of trying. (翻译:詹姆斯·亨特甩开了尼基·劳达 用他强有力的法拉利 这是赫斯基车队的第一次夺冠)
3. Needless to say, there are very few female characters out there like her! - niki. (翻译:不用说几乎没有其他女性角色像她一样了! )
4. Niki Lauda and James Hunt, side by side on the front of the grid, go away absolutely as one! (翻译:尼基劳达和詹姆士亨特 在前排并驾齐驱 齐头冲出)
5. Niki Lauda was trapped for almost a minute in a searing inferno of 800-plus degrees. (翻译:这场意外再次提醒我们F1的危险 尼基劳达受困的瞬间 就惨遭烈火焚身)
6. Niki Lauda has scolded reigning world champion Lewis Hamilton for wanting to abandon the German grand prix. (翻译:劳达因为前世界冠军汉密尔顿希望放弃德国大奖赛而斥责他。)
7. Former triple world champion Niki Lauda said it is simplistic to put the speed of the Brawn car entirely down to its diffuser. (翻译:前三届世界冠军劳达说,这是简单的把速度布朗汽车完全下降到其扩散。)
8. Girls, I'm back on the market, Niki and I are through. (翻译:姑娘们,我又回归独身市场, 尼姬和我掰了。)
9. He's Niki Lauda, Formula 1 driver, and he just signed with Ferrari. (翻译:他是尼基劳达,F1车手 他刚被法拉利签下)
10. Niki Lauda: Let's leave aside my reasons - that's all too long ago and they definitely were different from his. (翻译:尼基·劳达:让我们撇开我的原因。因为那是很久很久以前的事了。它们肯定与迈克尔的不同。)
11. This is a painting by the artist, Niki de Saint Phalle. (翻译:画的作者是 Niki de Saint Phalle )
12. You promised Niki Sanders you'd find a cure, and you have. (翻译:你答应过Niki Sanders一定找到 治愈方法 现在你找到了)
13. Niki Lauda, the blunt-speaking former triple world champion, is unimpressed with the spate of politicking. (翻译:劳达的钝性讲前三届世界冠军,是不以为然的一系列政治活动。)
14. Niki de Saint Phalle, Jean Tinguely, Per Olof Ultvedt. (翻译:尼基·德·圣法勒 尚·丁格利 贝奥洛夫·尤特文迪)
15. James hunt went out and he won these two races through just sheer determination and grit, but there was something magical about what Niki lauda was doing. (翻译:詹姆斯·亨特突出重围 获得了两场大奖赛的胜利 凭借的是他坚定的信念和顽强的毅力 但是尼基 劳达也创造了一些奇迹)