例句:- Camille is for girls and boys. (-不 是男孩名 - Camille. - Non, un garçon.)
例句:Don't we say "conversation"? (On a ici une conversation, non?)
1. These measures cannot be taken with non people. (翻译:这些措施得有人手才行 These measures cannot be taken with non people.)
2. No, Anna, he do not like it. (翻译:安娜 他们不喜欢 Non, Anna, ça leur a pas plu.)
3. All good, everything is fine, everything is wonderful. (翻译:没有 一切都好 Non, tout va très bien.)
4. Vitamins cannot be manufactured by our bodies. (翻译:维生素不能由人体来生成。)
5. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
6. Non-objective fragmentation. (翻译:非客观碎片化 Non -objective fragmentation.)
7. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian... journey, um, yeah, uh... journey on which we send them with all our love and, and, and tremendous you know not obviously... (翻译:素食的 非素食的... vegetarian, non -vegetarian...)
8. - Well, then, there you go. (翻译:-你看吧 - Non, non, non.)
9. This little redheaded, non-fangy little guy? (翻译:Oh. This little redheaded, non -fangy little guy?)
10. Limpidus non carborundum est. (翻译:祸事来了 Limpidus non carborundum est.)
11. Not the hay! What magic is this? (翻译:不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)
12. And I refuse to be a part of this manufactured reality that was manufactured for me by some other people, and I'm manufacturing my own reality. (翻译:我拒绝成为由别人为我打造的 这种现实的一部分 我要自己创造自己的现实。)
13. Well, I felt good that here was a revolution that occurred non-violently. (翻译:I felt good that here was a revolution that occurred non)
14. - I'll still do things with you guys. (翻译:- Vow? - Of non violence)
15. import tariffs on industrial manufactured goods, and export quotas on rare earth elements. (翻译:工业制品的进口关税 import tariffs on industrial manufactured goods 以及稀土元素的出口限额 and export quotas on rare earth elements.)