noticeably fluctuating goods是什么意思 noticeably fluctuating goods的中

noticeably fluctuating goods是什么意思 noticeably fluctuating goods的中

noticeably fluctuating goods在英语中代表"价格变动显著的物品"的意思,在英美地区还有"价格变动显著的物品"的意思,发音是[noticeablyfluctuatinggoods],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到89个与noticeably fluctuating goods相关的句子。

Noticeably fluctuating goods的词典翻译


例句:In a policy on goods or other movables there is no implied warranty that the goods or movables are seaworthy. (在货物或其他动产的保险单中,不存在该货物或动产适航的默示保证。)


noticeably fluctuating goods一般作为名词使用,如在noticeably(adv. 显而易见, 值得注意, 重要, 显著)、fluctuating(v. 波动(fluctuate的ing形式))、fluctuating acceleration(脉动式变加速度,变加速度)等常见短语中出现较多。

noticeablyadv. 显而易见, 值得注意, 重要, 显著
fluctuatingv. 波动(fluctuate的ing形式)
fluctuating acceleration脉动式变加速度,变加速度
fluctuating cavitation波动空化
fluctuating charges可变费用
fluctuating component起伏成分
fluctuating current[电] 增减起伏电流
fluctuating data不规则输入数据;起伏数据
fluctuating demand波动需求
fluctuating echo起伏回波


1. Standards of living were deteriorating rather noticeably. (翻译:生活水平相当明显地下降了。)

2. As I said before, this device has a high frequency fluctuating sub-material compression... (翻译:如我之前所说 这个装置有 高频率波动性强的次材料做成的压缩冲程)

3. Gravity fluctuating. Go to manual. Noah, do you have it? (翻译:重力在波动了,调成手动模式 诺亚,你搞定了吗?)

4. All right, when do I get my goods? (翻译:All right, when do I get my goods?)

5. In the granites and related rocks the alkalis are, of course, noticeably in excess of the femic constituents . (翻译:在花岗岩及有关的岩石中,碱质当然显著地超过铁镁组分。)

6. Well, like I said, you never rob the bank... at least not noticeably. (翻译:好。健康,相象我说, 你从未抢劫银行 ... 至少不显著。)

7. But first, we got to find a sporting goods store. (翻译:我们得先去一趟体育用品商店 we got to find a sporting goods store.)

8. She is wearing a noticeably stylish, feminine dress, plus discreet jewellery. (翻译:她穿着一条非常时髦、有女人味的连衣裙,配以小巧的首饰。)

9. Her hand was shaking noticeably. (翻译:很明显她的手在颤抖。)

10. Mr. Mink does not smuggle goods into this country (翻译:敏克先生可不会免费走私东西进来 Mr. Mink does not smuggle goods into this country)

11. Katya, the radiation alone... the radiation is fluctuating. (翻译:卡佳,这里的辐射... 辐射强度一直在变)

12. They appear and disappear unpredictably in response to fluctuating water levels. (翻译:它们的出现和消失像水位的波动一样扑朔迷离)

13. The committee said the decision was in response to increased threats to the economy and fluctuating inflation rates. (翻译:该委员会说,这一决定是对经济受到的威胁增加和通货膨胀率波动做出的反应。)

14. Furthermore, it is verified that the peak suctions are highly correlated with the conical vortices by coherence functions of fluctuating pressures. (翻译:用频域相干分析法间接地证实了锥形涡的存在,并指出它是造成此类结构角区附近负压显著偏大的主要原因。)

15. She said the quality of digital TV is noticeably better, especially HDTV. (翻译:她说数字电视的质量明显提高,尤其是高清电视。)

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