1. Le marché d'Olonzac est l'un des plus animés de la région. (法语:奥隆扎克市场是该地区最热闹的市场之一。)
2. Olonzac est connu pour son patrimoine historique et culturel. (法语:奥隆扎克以其历史和文化遗产而闻名。)
3. I'm planning a trip to Olonzac next month. (英语:下个月我计划去奥隆扎克旅行。)
4. El pueblo de Olonzac es pequeño pero muy encantador. (西班牙语:奥隆扎克村很小但非常迷人。)
5. Il paese di Olonzac è famoso per i suoi vigneti. (意大利语:奥隆扎克以其葡萄园而闻名。)
6. Olonzac附近有很多古老的城堡和庄园。 (中文:There are many old castles and mansions near Olonzac.)
例句:This has six carbon atoms, so "hexa," hexene-1-ol. (它有六个碳原子 所以写作“hexa”: 己醇)
例句:So I set up your lol account, but you're gonna need a name. (我帮你设定I OL的账户 不过你需要一个代号)
例句:Loretta, this ol' mountaintop's gonna be covered... in wildflowers in six week's time. (洛莱塔、一个多月后 这儿满山遍野都会开满野花)
olonzac一般作为名词使用,如在Olonzac([地名] 奥隆扎克 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Olonzac | [地名] 奥隆扎克 ( 法 ) |
1. Loretta, this ol' mountaintop's gonna be covered... in wildflowers in six week's time. (翻译:洛莱塔、一个多月后 这儿满山遍野都会开满野花)
2. Just stick with some good ol bouldering, shall get ya in shape for climbin. (翻译:坚持好的抱石方法,那会使你很快进入状态。)
3. There's a part of me that's gonna miss good ol' Bosephus. (翻译:感觉我的一部分 会想念那个博老伯的 你确定你要这么做吗)
4. Ol' Hank got us a couple more men... to move the cattle. (翻译:老汉克帮咱们找了几个人... 一起迁移牛群)
5. Now you come on inside before that little ol' witch casts a spell on us! (翻译:现在在那女巫向我们施法咒之前给我进屋去!)
6. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens have reportedly rekindled their romance after the pair were spotted kissing. (翻译:这两人被发现亲吻后证实他们再一次谈恋爱了。)
7. EncodeSubOcr:zac-fly @ tlf (翻译:综合制作: zac -fly @ tlf)
8. You ornery ol'-- lt's so nice that Jeb finally found a friend. (翻译:嘿,该死! 你这卑鄙的老... 坚伯终于能找到个朋友真是太好了)
9. I ain't gonna get used to you gettin' on me and sweating' like an ol' pig! (翻译:我才不会习惯你趴在我身上像只猪那样淌看臭汗)
10. I think so. Are you Zac Baenziger? (翻译:是啊 你是Zac Baenziger么?)
11. ♪ I say, the ol' North wind ♪ (翻译:{\fn华文楷体\fs12\1cH0080FF\i1}♪是的 是北风♪)
12. HOLLYWOOD sweethearts ZAC EFRON and VANESSA HUDGENS have split up, it emerged yesterday. (翻译:昨日爆出,好莱坞的甜心凡妮莎·哈金斯与扎克·埃夫隆分手了。)
13. Ripping off dirty ol' men, Like you lousy hicks. (翻译:诈骗肮脏的老男人, 像你们污秽的乡下人一样。)
14. Would you even be interested if I didn't have this big ol' booty on me? (翻译:你也有兴趣,如果我 没有一个大屁股在我身上?)
15. And now I remember I anointed funduleþul cream. (翻译:现在我还记得我膏 fundule? ol面霜。)