pedicularis bella是什么意思 pedicularis bella的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis bella是什么意思 pedicularis bella的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis bella的中文解释是"美丽马先蒿",还经常被翻译为美丽马先蒿,发音音标为[pedicularisbella],pedicularis bella来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到40个与pedicularis bella相关的例句。

Pedicularis bella的词典翻译


例句:Bella, Paula Hall from Child Welfare Services. (贝拉,我是儿童社福院的波拉·霍尔 这是瑞奇·贝克)


pedicularis bella一般作为名词使用,如在Pedicularis bella(n. 美丽马先蒿)、bella(贝拉 女子名 等于)、pedicularis([网络] 马先蒿属;马先蒿属一种;蒿类)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pedicularis bellan. 美丽马先蒿
bella贝拉 女子名 等于
pedicularis[网络] 马先蒿属;马先蒿属一种;蒿类
epicodakia bella美姬满月蛤
euchirella bella秀真胖水蚤
Esmeralda bellan. 口盖花蜘蛛兰
Gentiana bellan. 秀丽龙胆
iravadia bella细纹河口螺
laemodonta bella细致小耳螺
liomera bella美丽花瓣蟹


1. Bella got in it again

2. “It was Bella, she stole the Fire crystal!” So Bella yells: “Jonah ate the Air crystal, I saw him!” Jonah looks up timidly and shakes his head. (翻译:“是贝拉偷走了火晶石!” 而贝拉大叫道, “乔纳吞了空气水晶,我看见了!” 乔纳胆怯地抬起头来,摇了摇头。)

3. All I picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. (翻译:我闻到的就是一股狼臭味 闻不到Bella)

4. It's hard to say why exactly, but it's probably somethng to do with the fact that I'm not called Arabella or Isabella or anything-bella. (翻译:很难说为什么 但很可能和我不叫Arabella Isabella或者什么Bella有关)

5. Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella? (翻译:Bella 看你还敢不敢一边走路一边嚼香口胶?)

6. Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel? (翻译:好吧 Bella 你似乎着实受了场大惊 你感觉怎么样)

7. My cousin Bella happens to be a top psychiatrist. (翻译:- 我们现在不谈那些 嗨,我们可以去掉最高分和最低分...)

8. It's more than some crush, Bella. Sam imprinted on Emily. (翻译:Bella 这不仅是迷恋 Sam的心已经留下了Emily的烙印)

9. - Call them as you see them, Bella. (翻译:- 好的 好戏开演 哇 我知道雷声是干什么的了)

10. Angelina, bella mia, I love you. (翻译:我的职责就是保护你! 那为什么你不换去保护吉多? 带他去吃午餐)

11. Claudio, you're so charming. (翻译:MIA BELLA BAMBINA 克劳迪,你是如此迷人)

12. These are very pretty Bella earrings. (翻译:这些都是非常漂亮的贝拉耳环。These are very pretty Bella earrings.)

13. Bella is on the fence. - Howard and I will sing. (翻译:Bella还没决定 Howard和我要唱支歌)

14. Bella, you are my life now. Hey, Mom. It's me again. (翻译:Bella 你现在就是我的生命 嗨 妈妈 又是我)

15. Bella moaned that her feet were cold. (翻译:贝拉抱怨说她的脚冷。)

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