例句:Oh, you know, y-y-you're such a good guy. (哦,你知道, Y -Y - 你这样的好人。)
例句:We're running out of time. (该走了孩子 时间不够了 Il faut y aller, garçon.)
1. A child is born in the town of David (翻译:{Y: 我}一个孩子出生 {Y: 我}在大卫城)
2. theta, y=1, else y=0. (翻译:当 a >=theta 时 y=1,反之 y=0。)
3. There are two teams, et pour chaque equipe, il y a une orange. (翻译:我们要分成两个队伍 拿著一颗柳橙 柳橙像这样每个人都要接住)
4. And a royal portion of vol-au-vent for Queen Karo. (翻译:给女王卡洛分一块最好的肉饼 And a royal portion of vol -au -vent for Queen Karo.)
5. And flowers... It runs toward the woods It runs at full steam (翻译:它驶向树林 他全速前进 Il court vers le bois, il court à toute vapeur)
6. Siuil go socair agus siuil go ciuin (翻译:♫Siúil go socair agus siúil go ciúin♫)
7. He isn't wrong He is right. (翻译:他没有错 他说得对 Il a pas tort il a raison)
8. ♪ ph-phresh out, ph-phresh out the runway. ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ I hear you walk ♪)
9. In my head, there are things that even the magic milk can't erase. (翻译:在我的脑海里 Dans ma tête, il y a des choses que, 即使是魔法汁液也无法使我忘怀 même la sève magique, elle ne peux pas enlever.)
10. Oh, it's so delicious. You can expect that for 500 per bottle. (翻译:真好喝 Il est délicieux.)
11. It's Il Duce with this year's entry. Take it away, Duce! (翻译:今年是Il Duce 开始吧,Duce!)
12. He's ugly and has a ridiculous name! Oh! (翻译:他有个荒唐的名字还很丑 Il a un prénom ridicule et il est moche.)
13. Siuil go doras agus ealaigh lium (翻译:♫Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liúm♫)
14. Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (翻译:电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)
15. And you flip it over, and it's the amino acids with the PH at which they have different charges. (翻译:把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)