adoration是什么意思 adoration的中文翻译、读音、例句

adoration是什么意思 adoration的中文翻译、读音、例句




- in adoration of:对……敬爱,尊敬……

- with great adoration:非常喜欢、崇拜

- look at someone with adoration:敬慕某人

- sing in adoration of a deity:向神祈祷




1. I have always had an adoration for classical music.(我一直非常喜欢古典音乐。)

2. He looked at her with adoration in his eyes.(他满眼敬慕地盯着她。)

3. She had an adoration for her grandfather and would do anything to please him.(她非常敬爱她的祖父,愿意为他做任何事。)

4. The children gazed at the fireworks with adoration.(孩子们满怀敬慕地看着烟花。)

5. The people of the country showed adoration for their leader by erecting statues in his honor.(这个国家的人民通过建立纪念碑来表示对领袖的敬慕。)

6. The actor was surrounded by fans who were in adoration of him.(这位演员被一群非常喜欢他的粉丝包围着。)

7. The painter had an adoration for nature and often painted landscapes of the countryside.(画家非常喜欢自然,常常画乡村的风景画。)




1. She looked at him with adoration in her eyes. (她用崇拜的眼神看着他。)

2. The crowd's adoration for the singer was palpable. (人群对歌手的崇拜之情可感知。)

3. The young child was filled with adoration for his hero. (小孩对他的英雄充满了爱慕之情。)

adoration在英语中代表"崇拜 、膜拜"的意思,在日常中也代表"敬爱"的意思,读音为[.ædә'reiʃәn],adoration在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到83个与adoration相关的句子。



例句:Steve locked his gaze on Miss White with adolescent adoration, as she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade. (她宣布xx年级测验结果的时候,史蒂夫用那种青春期特崇敬盯着怀特小姐。)


例句:The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images. (那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。)


例句:The funny thing about notoriety... especially the kind that needs adoration, fame for fame's sake... if unchecked, it inevitably leads to villainy. (关于臭名昭著这件事 有件有趣的事实... ...尤其是当它的来源是崇拜 或是名望... ...如果不加以控制 将不可避免地变成坏事)


例句:And when it comes to promoting adoration of guns, Hollywood might as well be the NRA's marketing arm. (翻译:而且,提到促进枪支崇拜时,好莱坞完全可以是全国枪支协会的营销部。)


adoration一般作为名词使用,如在in adoration(崇敬地)、with great adoration(十分崇敬地)等常见短语中出现较多。

in adoration崇敬地
with great adoration十分崇敬地


1. The funny thing about notoriety... especially the kind that needs adoration, fame for fame's sake... if unchecked, it inevitably leads to villainy. (翻译:关于臭名昭著这件事 有件有趣的事实... ...尤其是当它的来源是崇拜 或是名望... ...如果不加以控制 将不可避免地变成坏事)

2. And when it comes to promoting adoration of guns, Hollywood might as well be the NRA's marketing arm. (翻译:而且,提到促进枪支崇拜时,好莱坞完全可以是全国枪支协会的营销部。)

3. Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris. (翻译:这就是本笃会修女们在巴黎建立圣体永敬会的起源和法律根据。)

4. -Meanwhile the object of your adoration is now repulsed by you. (翻译:- 同时... ...你爱慕的对象被你排挤)

5. The adoration and attention was something he'd not felt in years and, during the summer months, resulted in Ike feeling stronger and more productive than he had been in some time. (翻译:崇拜 和注意力的东西 他会不会觉得在年 并且,在暑假期间, 导致艾克 感更强 ,更有效率 比他曾经 在一定的时间。)

6. Third, the consumable must be subject to adoration, at least in the eyes of the firm's potentially loyal consumers. (翻译:第三,消费品必须受到崇拜,至少在眼中的公司的潜在的忠实消费者。)

7. You see, if you take Ma's love for you, subtract it by her distaste for Debra, compare it to her disappointment in me, add in her adoration for Amy, we end up winning by 15 points. (翻译:如果你把妈对你的爱... 减去她对黛布拉的嫌恶 再和她对我的失望)

8. Literal superstition, for example, word processing, inferring words, invocating and so on, also expresses the behavior of adoration on letter. (翻译:而字诚、测字、符篆等文字迷信,也是文字崇拜的表现。)

9. What was once ethereal and fleeting, the adoration of strangers, is now recorded for digital posterity in search engines and Web forums. (翻译:曾经虚无飘渺的受欢迎度如今也可以通过搜索引擎和互联网的数据记录在案。)

10. Ge Li is defending Liang under false pretenses and initiates rebellion by imposing personal adoration (翻译:革离假意协助梁城抵抗赵 实为在城内扇动百姓,密谋夺位)

11. Such admirers continue a long history of adoration for the quetzal. The bird was sacred to the ancient Maya and Aztec peoples, and royalty and priests wore its feathers during ceremonies. (翻译:人们对凤尾绿咬鹃的崇拜已经有很长的历史了。在古代,人们将这种鸟献给古玛雅和阿兹·特克人作为祭祀品,皇室成员和神父则在仪式上身着凤尾绿咬鹃的羽毛。)

12. Someone defending Liang under false pretenses and initiates rebellion by imposing personal adoration (翻译:有人借口以协助梁城解困 从而夺取百姓信任,图谋夺权)

13. FEMALE REPORTER 1: the stars take to Twitter to share their adoration... FEMALE REPORTER 2: (翻译:各路明星都在Twitter上发推表达对她的赞赏)

14. But Chen Hongyu, a 27-year-old folk singer, seems to have no trouble gaining *adoration and support from music fans. (翻译:但是,xx岁的民谣歌手陈鸿宇似乎轻而易举地获得了乐迷们的崇拜和支持。)

15. He gazed at her with pure adoration. (翻译:他一往情深地注视着她。)

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