kido是什么意思 kido的中文翻译、读音、例句

kido是什么意思 kido的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义: Kido是一个名词,通常指日本的一种武术,又称合气道。

2. 词性: 名词

3. 词组搭配:

- Kido master: Kido大师

- Kido techniques: Kido技术

- Kido uniform: Kido制服

- Kido dojo: Kido道场

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写: [ki-do]

6. 例句:

- He has mastered a variety of martial arts, including kido. 他精通多种武术,包括Kido。

- The kido master taught us a new technique today. Kido大师今天教给我们一项新技术。

- She always wears her Kido uniform to practice. 她总是穿着她的Kido制服练习。

- The Kido dojo is located on the outskirts of the city. Kido道场位于城市的郊区。

- With years of dedicated practice, he has become a skilled Kido practitioner. 经过多年的专注练习,他已经成为了一名熟练的Kido修炼者。



1. Kido是一种非常有创意和独特的运动,需要高度的灵活性和协调能力。

2. 我们的学校开设了一门气动体操课程,让学生们可以学习kido的基本姿势和技巧。


The Chinese translation of 'kido' is "气动体操", and its pronunciation is "kɪdəʊ".


1. Kido is a very creative and unique sport, which requires high levels of flexibility and coordination.

2. Our school offers a course on aerodynamic gymnastics, which allows students to learn the basic poses and skills of kido.




例句:I am Chief Inspector Kido, Mrs. Walker, of the Kempeitai. (我是城户总检察官 沃克太太 我是宪兵队的)


例句:When he sees his Εmperor hanging from the end of a rope, it was Kido that hanged him. (当他看到天皇吊在绞刑架上 是他木户造成的这一切)


例句:That Kido released you, but only because he still wants to find your girlfriend. (那个城户把你放了 但那只是因为他还想找到你女朋友)


例句:Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido, a polymorphic worm, are currently spreading widely. (翻译:卡巴斯基实验室侦测到多个变种马基斯,一个多态病毒,目前正在广泛蔓延。)


1. That Kido released you, but only because he still wants to find your girlfriend. (翻译:那个城户把你放了 但那只是因为他还想找到你女朋友)

2. Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido, a polymorphic worm, are currently spreading widely. (翻译:卡巴斯基实验室侦测到多个变种马基斯,一个多态病毒,目前正在广泛蔓延。)

3. The worm -- which goes by the names Downadup, Conficker, or Kido -- had infected 8 million computers, almost all on corporate networks, by Friday. (翻译:这个蠕虫病毒--被称为 Downadup, Conficker, or Kido --上周五,已经感染了800万台电脑,几乎囊括了所有的企业网络。)

4. Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido, a polymorphic worm, are currently spreading widely. (翻译:卡巴斯基实验室侦测到多个变种马基斯,一个多态病毒,目前正在广泛蔓延。)



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