sound是什么意思 sound的中文翻译、读音、例句

sound是什么意思 sound的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:声音,声响;听起来;健康的,稳健的,可靠的;充分的,无瑕疵的。

2. 词性:名词、动词、形容词、副词。

3. 常用场景:在日常生活中,sound常用于描述听觉感受,如:the sound of rain(雨声),the sound of music(音乐声),the sound of laughter(笑声)等。同时,sound也可用于形容身体状况、事物品质等,如:a sound mind(健全的思想),a sound argument(有力的论据),a sound economy(稳健的经济)等。

4. 词组搭配:sound + adj.(形容词),如:sound asleep(熟睡)、sound advice(明智的建议)、sound judgment(明智的判断)、sound mind(健全的思想)、sound body(健康的身体)等;sound + n.(名词),如:sound wave(声波)、sound system(音响系统)、sound engineer(声音工程师)等;be sounded out(探究、试探),如:I need to sound out my boss before I make a decision(我需要在做出决定之前先探究一下老板的想法)。

5. 相关短语:sound like(听起来像)、sound off(大声呼喊,发表意见)、sound track(声带,音轨)、sound barrier(音障)等。

6. 发音拼写:/'saʊnd/



1. Can you hear the sound of the ocean waves? (你能听到海浪的声音吗?)

2. The sound of laughter filled the room. (笑声充满了房间。)

3. The sound of thunder scared the little child. (雷声吓哭了小孩。)

4. The orchestra's sound was magnificent. (乐团的音响华丽壮观。)

5. He sounded the alarm and everyone evacuated. (他发出警报声,所有人都疏散了。)

6. The teacher asked the students to sound out the difficult words. (老师让学生把难读的单词读出来。)

7. The sound engineer adjusted the volume of the microphone. (音效师调节了麦克风的音量。)

8. The car sounds strange, it may need to be repaired. (这辆车声音奇怪,可能需要修理。)

9. The sound of silence can be very peaceful. (寂静的声音可以非常宁静。)




1. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing.(海浪拍打岸边的声音很宁静。)

2. Turn up the sound on the TV so we can hear it better.(把电视声音调大一点,这样我们就能听得更清楚了。)

3. That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.(我觉得那听起来不是一个好主意。)




例句:* And make their happy sound... * (* And make their happy sound...)


例句:You sound like a dying cat. (You sound like a dying cat.)


例句:There's a sign in the window (And then a sound of a window)


例句:Das Sound Machine is the winner! (翻译:- 耶! - Das Sound Machine is the winner!)


sound一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在Sound in([网络] 声音进来;声音输入;音效)、to sound(测深)、diffuse sound(散射声;漫射声)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sound in[网络] 声音进来;声音输入;音效
to sound测深
diffuse sound散射声;漫射声
diffused sound[电] 漫射声
diffusion of sound声扩散
digital sound数字声音
digitized sound数字化声音,数位化[数码化]声音
dimensional soundn. 立体声
direct sound直达声
directed sound[建] 直达声


1. There's a sign in the window (翻译:And then a sound of a window)

2. Das Sound Machine is the winner! (翻译:- 耶! - Das Sound Machine is the winner!)

3. You made some kind of sound, and then you saw what? (翻译:You made some kind of sound, and then you saw what?)

4. My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. (翻译:最喜欢的电影是The Sound of Musjc.)

5. Our mother was dead, our father was practically catatonic (翻译:Come on, sound it out. Ji... immm.)

6. I'm gonna be with you all night. (翻译:- in his life until this day. - Is there sound?)

7. The sound of the cat purring. (翻译:The sound of the cat purring. 猫咪咕噜的叫声)

8. - How does that sound to you, Moll? (翻译:- How does that sound to you, Moll?)

9. art,cyborg,design,entertainment,innovation,music,prosthetics,sound,technology (翻译:art,cyborg,design,entertainment,innovation,music,prosthetics,sound,technology)

10. Love, you sound like them right now. (翻译:you sound like them right now.)

11. You even kind of sound alike. (翻译:You even kind of sound alike.)

12. Like the headsail on a boat. Cool. (翻译:- All right, well, uh, this is gonna sound)

13. God, this may sound strange. (翻译:this may sound strange.)

14. ♪ The sound of your voice ♪♪ (翻译:♪ The sound of your voice ♪♪)

15. Your smile, and the sound of your voice (翻译:Your smile, and the sound of your voice)



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