woodwork是什么意思 woodwork的中文翻译、读音、例句

woodwork是什么意思 woodwork的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Woodwork是指用木材制成的工艺品或家具,也指与木材相关的加工、修复或保养工作。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- do woodwork:做木工活。

- woodwork project:木工项目。

- woodwork shop:木工店。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/'wʊd.wɜrk/

6. 例句:

1. My grandfather is a craftsman who specializes in woodwork.


2. After years of experience, he has become a master of woodwork.


3. This antique dresser needs some woodwork to restore it to its former glory.


4. The school offers a woodwork class for students interested in carpentry.


5. I love the beautiful woodwork of this old house.






1. He is skilled in woodwork and can make beautiful handcrafted furniture. (他擅长木工,能够制作出美丽的手工制家具。)

2. The old house had intricate woodwork, with carved moldings and detailed paneling. (这座老房子有复杂的木工装饰,有雕刻的线条和详细的镶板。)




例句:All woodwork, flooring and paneling have been refinished and the exterior repainted in the original white with green trim. (地板和门窗都重新用木工完成了,外面也重新用原始的白色和绿色的边粉刷了。)


例句:I don't even know if I'm good at woodwork or anything... but I feel like I can do that. (我都不知道如果我很在行木工或其它... 但是我感觉 我一定可以做)


例句:On Sundays, old people seem to come out of the woodwork, whereas during the week, no one sees them at all. (一到礼拜天,那些老人不知从哪全冒出来了。礼拜一到礼拜五根本看不见他们。)


例句:And I just remember feeling all these stories came out of the woodwork. (翻译:我只觉得这些故事好象是从地缝里冒出来似的。)


woodwork一般作为名词使用,如在woodwork coating(木器涂装)、woodwork construction([木] 细木工程)、woodwork industry(木工工业;木制品工业)等常见短语中出现较多。

woodwork coating木器涂装
woodwork construction[木] 细木工程
woodwork industry木工工业;木制品工业


1. On Sundays, old people seem to come out of the woodwork, whereas during the week, no one sees them at all. (翻译:一到礼拜天,那些老人不知从哪全冒出来了。礼拜一到礼拜五根本看不见他们。)

2. And I just remember feeling all these stories came out of the woodwork. (翻译:我只觉得这些故事好象是从地缝里冒出来似的。)

3. Look at this sleeve, just from brushing against the woodwork. (翻译:看看这个袖子, 刚刚擦了一下木器就成这样了.)

4. He says there's enough of his blood in the woodwork for the ship to almost be a relation. (翻译:这艘船上流了太多他的血 几乎算是他的亲人)

5. The woodwork needs painting. (翻译:木建部分需要上油漆。)

6. When your dad comes out of the woodwork demanding to see his daughter, that's when. (翻译:你爸爸从木头工厂里出来 要求见她女儿,你就这个时候会迟到)

7. Influential people coming out of the woodwork. (翻译:有名望的手艺人 Influential people coming out of the woodwork.)

8. These debutantes started coming out of the woodwork after the story broke. (翻译:在事件发生时 那些小姐们 才刚刚步入社会)

9. The spirit of Wagner lingers in the woodwork and the Chinese seem to rather like it. (翻译:瓦格纳的精神萦绕着各种木制品,而且中国人看来也很喜欢。)

10. with its branches and garlands, like ancient leaves, as if the ground were still sand or gravel or flagstones, over which I walked once again as if in search of you, between these walls laden with woodwork, (翻译:用枝条和花环装饰 像远古的树叶 仿佛地面仍旧是沙砾)

11. I have done woodwork for many years. (翻译:我做过许多年木工活。)

12. We also had a little bit of luck, not just when Milan hit the woodwork, as we also struck the upright with Fabio Simplicio. (翻译:我们同样也有点运气,而不像米兰仅仅踢在门柱上,当然我们的辛普利西奥同样也打在了立柱上。)

13. Well, it seems there was nothing in his current life that would drive him to drink, so I am guessing it was something from his old life that came out out of the woodwork. (翻译:似乎他现在的生活里没有乐子 会让他又开始喝酒 我猜 可能是他以前遇到的事情又出现了)

14. Intertwined with this woodwork, we'll see these lavender worms. (翻译:我们将看到... 这些淡紫色虫跟这一木制品纠葛在一起)

15. The hall is decorated in bright orangey-red with black and gold woodwork. (翻译:整个大厅用鲜艳的橘红色装饰,木建部分漆成黑色和金色。)



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