centers是什么意思 centers的中文翻译、读音、例句

centers是什么意思 centers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义和定义:'centers'是center的复数形式,指的是中心、中心地带或中心机构等。它也可以代表缩写词,如“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”(CDC)。


- The shopping centers in this city are always crowded on weekends.

- The scientific research center is located in the downtown area.

- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are responsible for preventing and controlling infectious diseases.

2. 词性和形态变化:centers是center的复数形式,根据需要可以进行动词化、形容词化等。


- The company plans to center its business on e-commerce.

- The team needs a center defender who can stop the opponent's attack.

- The architecture of the building is centered on the concept of sustainability.

3. 用法:centers可以作为名词、动词或形容词使用,常出现在商业、科研、医疗等领域。


- The city has developed many cultural centers to promote local art and music.

- The seminar will center on the topic of climate change and its impacts.

- The medical center provides high-quality healthcare services for residents in the area.

4. 同义词和反义词:centers的同义词包括hubs、nuclei、core areas等,反义词可能是outskirts、periphery等。


- The airport is a major hub for international flights in the region.

- The financial center of the city attracts many investors and entrepreneurs.

- The company's production center is located in the outskirts of the city.

5. 拓展意义和常用搭配:除了常见的中心意义之外,centers还可以指代中央机构、管理中心等。常用搭配包括recreation center、training center、learning center等。


- The government has established a new research center to explore renewable energy technologies.

- The fitness center offers various classes and facilities to meet different needs of customers.

- The language learning center provides resources and support for students to improve their language skills.





1. The city center is always busy with traffic and people.


2. The art exhibit was the center of attention at the museum.


3. The company's new strategy centers on expanding into international markets.





例句:The reason is there's a separate pathway going from the hearing centers in the brain to the emotional centers, and that's not been cut by the accident. (原因是有另一条通路 从脑的听觉中心通往情绪中心. 事故并没有切断那条通路. )


例句:And server farms, or data centers are great libraries of knowledge. (而服务器农场或数据中心 就是巨大的知识图书馆)


例句:As a tiled LCD solution the NSL-4601 is ideal for Emergency Operations Centers, traffic and surveillance centers, and utilities and process control rooms. (作为一款拼接产品, NSL-4601对于应急指挥中心、交通控制中心和过程控制等不同应用均是理想的选择。)


例句:The historical centers of Stralsund and Wismar, Germany. (翻译:德国施特拉尔松德和维斯马历史中心。)


centers一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on centers(心距)、distribution centers([网络] 分配中心;个分销中心;配销中心)、drill centers(钻中心孔)等常见短语中出现较多。

on centers心距
distribution centers[网络] 分配中心;个分销中心;配销中心
drill centers钻中心孔
entertainment centers娱乐中心
financial centers金融中心
fitness centersn. 健身中心\n[网络] 健身运动中心
garden centers[网络] 花园中心;花卉商店
growth centers成长中心
health centersun. 卫生所;卫生院;医疗站\n[网络] 保健中心;卫生中心;康乐中心


1. As a tiled LCD solution the NSL-4601 is ideal for Emergency Operations Centers, traffic and surveillance centers, and utilities and process control rooms. (翻译:作为一款拼接产品, NSL-4601对于应急指挥中心、交通控制中心和过程控制等不同应用均是理想的选择。)

2. The historical centers of Stralsund and Wismar, Germany. (翻译:德国施特拉尔松德和维斯马历史中心。)

3. It's the era of big business and data centers for computing. (翻译:这是一个用计算机作为大的商业发展和数据中心的年代 )

4. Bring Pelops to Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers. (翻译:把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。)

5. The actions of microtubule organizing centers and coated vesicles were discussed. (翻译:讨论了包被囊泡和微管组织中心可能的作用。)

6. Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers. (翻译:在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。)

7. It's the era of big business and data centers for computing. (翻译:这是一个用计算机作为大的商业发展和数据中心的年代)

8. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. (翻译:参观博物馆和文化中心的旅行也是有组织的。)

9. McCulloch kept the food and centers and got rid of the rest. (翻译:McCulloch留下了食品和健身中心,其它的都卖掉了。)

10. And so they went and studied 10 daycare centers in Haifa, Israel. (翻译:他们前往以色列 海法市研究了十所日托中心。)

11. The continuous quality improvement of hemodialysis water and dialysate in Hemodialysis Centers in Beijing (翻译:北京市血液透析单位透析用水及透析液质量的持续性质量改进)

12. From the Centers for Disease Control. (翻译:她来自美国疾病管制中心. 她也是一位医生)

13. So we had to do something different, so we set up what we call primary eye care centers, vision centers. (翻译:所以我们尝试了一些不同的事情, 所以我们架设起了我们叫做初级视力保健中心以及眼科中心。)

14. Meds, bail, correctional centers, and now a lawsuit! (翻译:得给你买药 给你付保释金 带你去管教所 现在还得打官司)

15. And Quincy said, "Where did the idea for centers like this come from?" (翻译:Quincy说:“修建这样的培训中心的想法是从哪来的呢?” )

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