antler是什么意思 antler的中文翻译、读音、例句

antler是什么意思 antler的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源及释义:


2. 用途和特点:


3. 用法及变化形式:


4. 相关词汇:

与鹿角有关的词汇还有horn(角),tine(分枝),velvet(鹿茸)等。此外,antler还可以组成其他含义的复合词,如antlered deer(有鹿角的鹿),antlerless(无鹿角的)等。

5. 中英例句:

(1) The antlers of male deer are used as weapons during mating season. (雄性鹿的鹿角在交配季节被用作武器。)

(2) The hunter showed off his collection of antlers from different species of deer. (猎人炫耀他收集来自不同种类鹿的鹿角。)

(3) The deer shed their antlers each year and grow new ones. (鹿每年都会脱角并生长新的鹿角。)

(4) The antlered stag stood proudly on the hilltop surveying the surrounding forest. (有鹿角的雄鹿骄傲地站在山顶上,俯视着周围的森林。)

(5) The antlerless doe grazed quietly on the edge of the clearing. (无鹿角的母鹿在空地边静静地吃草。)


读音:/ˈæntlər/ (英式发音);/ˈæntlər/ (美式发音)


1. The reindeer's antlers are used for defense and for attracting mates.(驯鹿的鹿角被用于防御和吸引配偶。)

2. The trophy on the wall was an impressive set of antlers from a large buck.(墙上的奖杯是一只大公鹿的壮观鹿角。)

3. The hunter carefully stalked the elk as it grazed, waiting for the perfect shot at its massive antlers.(猎人小心翼翼地潜近正在吃草的麋鹿,等待着对着它庞大的鹿角进行完美的射击。)




例句:Hey, I know just the diversion to take his mind off his antler. (嘿,我知道有一样东西 可以分散他对鹿角的注意力 我们用一块大石头弄断他的蹄)


例句:The refined antler lines together with the use of ceramic texture make the overall image toother and mellower. (提炼的鹿角线条,配合陶瓷质地的运用,使整体造型更显流畅而圆润。)


例句:Broke through the windshield and skewered him in the throat with its antler. (通过挡风玻璃破 和肉串他在 喉咙其鹿茸。)


例句:I found antler velvet in two of the wounds. (翻译:我在两处伤口里发现了鹿茸 {\3cH000000}I found antler velvet in two of the wounds.)


antler一般作为名词使用,如在pilos antler([化] 鹿茸)、Pilose Antler(鹿茸)、royal antler((鹿角从下往上数的)第三角叉[亦作tres-tine, trez-tine])等常见短语中出现较多。

pilos antler[化] 鹿茸
Pilose Antler鹿茸
royal antler(鹿角从下往上数的)第三角叉[亦作tres-tine, trez-tine]
rusine antlern. 似黑鹿角的鹿角
stag antler牡鹿角
young pilous antler鹿茸


1. Broke through the windshield and skewered him in the throat with its antler. (翻译:通过挡风玻璃破 和肉串他在 喉咙其鹿茸。)

2. I found antler velvet in two of the wounds. (翻译:我在两处伤口里发现了鹿茸 {\3cH000000}I found antler velvet in two of the wounds.)

3. On the Altai the antler deer breeding has become widespread. (翻译:在阿尔泰山,人们大面积地养殖这种有角的鹿。)

4. If I hadn't warned you, it would've gone through the windshield and ended up with an antler in your brain. (翻译:如果我不提醒你那只鹿 它会撞穿挡风玻璃 那鹿角早就刺穿你的脑袋了)

5. The structure of the carved antler indicates its growth stage was spring or summer. (翻译:雕刻鹿角的结构表明其生长期为春季或夏季。)

6. An industrial alkaline protease Alcalase was used to hydrolyze the fresh velvet antler of sika deer (Cervus Nippon Temminck). The conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis were optimized. (翻译:利用一种工业用碱性蛋白酶对新鲜梅花鹿鹿茸进行水解制备生物活性肽。)

7. European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; (翻译:前翅上有白色鹿角状斑点的欧洲 蛾子; )

8. - Antler velvet is rich in nutrients. It actually promotes healing. (翻译:鹿茸很有营养价值 能疗伤 {\3cH000000}Antler velvet is rich in nutrients.)

9. I don't want to hear any more talk of going to Antler's Hill. (翻译:我再也不希望再听到有任何人 说要去鹿角的小山)

10. I'll go practice flying at Antler's Hill, where they can't see me. (翻译:我要去鹿角的小山练习飞行 这样他们就看不到我了)

11. Traditionally, Saiga antler was used as the raw material in Chinese medicine, which was recorded as early as 1800 years ago. (翻译:中国对高鼻羚羊的利用,以传统的羊角入药为主,并早在距今xx年前就有记载。)

12. Its antler penetrated my trachea and my esophagus and stopped at my spinal cord and fractured my neck. (翻译:它的鹿角刺穿了我的气管和食道, 卡在了我的脊髓里,折断了我的脖子。)

13. Each has a snug mezzanine area and an antler-fenced balcony about eight metres above ground. (翻译:每个房间都有一个舒适的夹层区域和一个离地约八米的鹿角围栏阳台。)

14. Immerse the antler in white wine (翻译:先将鹿尾巴用白酒浸一晚 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Immerse the antler in white wine)

15. Separation and purification of protein promoting hippocampus nerve cell proliferation from pilose antler of Cervus nippon; (翻译:梅花鹿鹿茸中促进海马神经细胞增殖蛋白的分离纯化)

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