multifactorial inheritance是什么意思 multifactorial inheritance的中文翻译、

multifactorial inheritance是什么意思 multifactorial inheritance的中文翻译、

multifactorial inheritance通常被翻译为"多因子遗传"的意思,还经常被翻译为多因子遗传,单词读音音标为[multifactorialinheritance],multifactorial inheritance常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到40个与multifactorial inheritance相关的例句。

Multifactorial inheritance的中文翻译


例句:These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the Gadites, clan by clan. (以上是迦得人按着宗族所得为业的诸城,并属城的村庄。)


multifactorial inheritance一般作为名词使用,如在multifactorial(多因子的)、inheritance(继承 )、multifactorial carcinogenesis(多因性致癌作用)等常见短语中出现较多。

multifactorial carcinogenesis多因性致癌作用
multifactorial design[统计] 多重析因设计
multifactorial disease多因子病
multifactorial disorder多因子病
multifactorial etiology多原病因(学), 多因子病因学
digenetic inheritance二基因遗传
dihybrid inheritance双因子杂交遗传


1. Ever since Josh got his inheritance, she is a different person. (翻译:由于约什 - 已收到的继承, 她是别人的。)

2. where inheritance is disclaimed by a testamentary successor or the legacy is disclaimed by a legatee; (翻译:遗嘱继承人放弃继承或者受遗赠人放弃受遗赠的; )

3. Despite the multifactorial aetiology of these ocular syndromes, smoking is an independent risk factor that has dose-response effects. (翻译:虽然这些眼疾的成因众多,但是吸烟是独立的风险因素,有著剂量反应的影响。)

4. She spent all her inheritance in a year. (翻译:她在xx年之内用完了所有继承的遗产。)

5. Epigenetics examines the inheritance of characteristics that are not set out in the DNA sequence. (翻译:表观遗传学研究那些非DNA序列决定的遗传特性。)

6. His salary is augmented by a small inheritance. (翻译:一小笔遗产增加了他的收入。)

7. ERV: The LORD knoweth the days of the perfect: and their inheritance shall be for ever. (翻译:和合本:耶和华知道完全人的日子.他们的产业、要存到永远。)

8. Distant relatives, Saint Louis, trying to settle a tiny inheritance. (翻译:Distant relatives, Saint Louis, trying to settle a tiny inheritance.)

9. Autosomal recessive inheritance was difficult to be evaluated because of few families remained. (翻译:常染色体隐性遗传因剩下的家系样本太少,难以预测; )

10. Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance. (翻译:身体的特征取决于基因遗传。)

11. The House of Abrasax continues to thrive despite the squandering of your inheritance. (翻译:Abrasax家庭继续增长 虽然遗产,兄弟,)

12. Sure, 'cause any sum that goes to you is cutting into his inheritance. (翻译:我和他父亲之间,我. 当然,因为那去你的任何款项 被切割成他的产业。)

13. Inheritance: the Story of Knole and the Sackvilles. By Robert Sackville-West. (翻译:《继承:康奈府邸和萨克维尔家族的故事》,作者罗伯特·萨克维尔·韦斯特。)

14. And if any of you marry me ... we can share the inheritance (翻译:而且你们谁愿意跟我结婚的话 还不是共同跟我分享这笔财产吗)

15. So we have a few more days to enjoy the inheritance. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}我们将有我们的数天 有充足的时间为享受。)

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