1. 意义解释:FAC可以是一个单词的缩写,也可以是多个单词的首字母缩写。具体解释如下:
- First Aid Certificate(急救证书)
- Fellow of the American College(美国大学院士)
- Formal Acceptance Certificate(正式验收证书)
2. 使用场景:根据以上解释,FAC的使用场景与相关行业相关,例如医疗急救、学术研究和工程建设等领域。
3. 学术范畴:在学术研究领域,FAC通常指“美国大学院士”(Fellow of the American College),这是由美国大学院学会颁发的头衔,用于表彰在某个专业领域或者学术界具有卓越成就的人士。
1. I just received my First Aid Certificate and now feel confident to help others in emergency situations.(我刚收到了急救证书,现在有信心在紧急情况下帮助别人。)
2. Jane became a Fellow of the American College in 2018 for her outstanding contribution to dental research.(简于xx年成为美国大学院学会院士,以表彰她在牙科研究领域的杰出贡献。)
3. The contractor provided us with a Formal Acceptance Certificate to confirm that the project has met all the required standards.(承包商向我们提供了正式验收证书,以确认项目已经满足了所有的要求标准。)
4. The First Aid Certificate requires participants to complete a series of training courses on basic life support and first aid.(急救证书需要参与者完成一系列有关基础生命支持和急救的培训课程。)
5. To become a Fellow of the American College, candidates need to be nominated by their peers and pass a rigorous selection process.(要成为美国大学院学会院士,候选人需要由同行提名并通过严格的评选程序。)
1. Am văzut un câine cu o față foarte simpatică. (我看到了一只长得非常可爱的狗狗。)
2. M-a deranjat că mi-a râs în față fără motiv. (他无缘无故地嘲笑了我,让我很不爽。)
3. Nu îți mai recunosc fața de când te-ai tuns. (你剪了头发之后,我几乎认不出你的样子了。)
4. Are o față extrem de expresivă, nu știi niciodată ce gândește. (他的表情非常丰富多样,你从来无法猜出他在想什么。)
5. Mi s-a înroșit fața când am spus prostia aia. (当我说了那句蠢话时,我的脸红了。)
6. Când a văzut-o pe sora mea, și-a luminat fața imediat. (他看到我的妹妹时,脸上立刻洋溢着光芒。)
7. Nu îi place să poarte ochelari, deși îi îmbunătățesc vederea și îi evidențiază frumusețea faței. (虽然戴眼镜可以帮助他视力更清晰,还可以突显他脸上的美,但他还是不喜欢戴眼镜。)
8. Mi-a plăcut la el fața sincera, nu putea ascunde nimic. (我喜欢他诚实的表情,他无法掩饰什么。)
9. A început să-i tremure fața când a aflat că a rămas fără locul de muncă. (他知道自己失去了工作时,脸上开始颤抖。)
1. factory(工厂)- fac-表示“做”或“制造”,-tory表示“地点”或“建筑物”;
2. facilitate(促进)- fac-表示“做”或“执行”,-ilitate表示“使”;
3. multifaceted(多面的)- multi-表示“多个”,-faceted表示“面”的形容词形式。
1. They produce cars in that factory. (他们在那个工厂生产汽车。)
2. The software is designed to facilitate communication. (这个软件旨在促进交流。)
3. The issue is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive approach. (这个问题涉及多个方面,需要综合考虑。)
例句:At the time he was writing, new inventions in fac-tories were turning out wealth on a scale undreamt of by previous generations. (在他写作的年代,工厂里的新发明正在生产出以往世代梦想不到的财富。)
例句:As a FAC graduate, I respect the Foreign Ministry as a part of our regime. An important part. (再怎么,外交部也是国家一重要部门啊,能容许此等人胡乱评论吗。)
例句:Sediments in basins consist of grey coal-bearing formation composed of fluvial alluvial, proluvial fac ies, lacustrine-swamp facies. The material composition of sedim… (沉积物组成了山区河流冲洪积相、湖沼相的灰色含煤建造,其物质成分与基底岩石具明显继承性。)
例句:Thirdly, the closed-loop design of the peak-current control applied to the IM-FAC converter is discussed. (翻译:论文还讨论了采用峰值电流控制的IM-FAC变换器的闭环参数设计。)
fac一般作为名词使用,如在fac brat([网络] 面孔)、FAC color([化] FAC色度)、FAC colour([化] FAC色度)等常见短语中出现较多。
fac brat | [网络] 面孔 |
FAC color | [化] FAC色度 |
FAC colour | [化] FAC色度 |
fac. | abbr. facsimile;factor;factory |
1. Sediments in basins consist of grey coal-bearing formation composed of fluvial alluvial, proluvial fac ies, lacustrine-swamp facies. The material composition of sedim… (翻译:沉积物组成了山区河流冲洪积相、湖沼相的灰色含煤建造,其物质成分与基底岩石具明显继承性。)
2. Thirdly, the closed-loop design of the peak-current control applied to the IM-FAC converter is discussed. (翻译:论文还讨论了采用峰值电流控制的IM-FAC变换器的闭环参数设计。)
3. (Drunken singing) Lo-fac-ta is a two-faced poncy French git! (翻译:Lofacta 虚假法国faggy的混蛋!)
4. At the time he was writing, new inventions in fac tories were turning out wealth on a scale undreamt of by previous generations. (翻译:在他写作的年代,工厂里的新发明正在生产出以往世代梦想不到的财富。)
5. In its statement last night the FAC, expressed support for Allen and condemned "the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days" . (翻译:昨晚FAC的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。)
6. In its statement last night the FAC, expressed support for Allen and condemned "the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days". (翻译:昨晚FAC的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。)
7. Or I'll scream the place down. (翻译:Je hurle et toute la fac déboule. 别 但是...)
8. Objective to understand the current status of sports behavior of workers in Shenzhen City from outside and the fac-tors affecting their regular sports. (翻译:目的了解深圳市外来劳务工运动行为现状及影响其进行有规律运动的因素。)
9. The experiment results verify the effectiveness of magnetic-integration technique. (翻译:实验结果充分证明了磁集成技术可提高FAC变换器的整体性能。)
10. Clinical Study On Reduction of Postpartum Bleeding in The Risk Fac tors by Misoprostol (翻译:口服米索前列醇防治高危因素产后出血的临床观察)
11. Supporting project manager for entire scope of the project from sign the contract until FAC is received. (翻译:从项目的签订到项目的验收结束,协助项目经理进行整个项目的管理工作; )
12. The world health of organization says there are three major causes tobacco o use , fac physical inactively inactivity and an unhealthy diet. (翻译:世界卫生组织说这有三个主要原因抽烟、缺乏运动和不健康饮食。)
13. fac-tors recur year after year. Cyclical factors, on the other hand, follow very closely to the economic cycles of the market. (翻译:顾名思义,季节因素每年重复,而周期因素则与市场的经济周期密切相关。)