diamond是什么意思 diamond的中文翻译、读音、例句

diamond是什么意思 diamond的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. diamond ring:钻戒

2. diamond-shaped:钻石形的

3. diamond drill:钻机

4. diamond cut:钻石切割

5. diamond district:钻石交易区

6. baseball diamond:棒球球场

7. hope diamond: 希望钻石(一颗著名的钻石)


1. rough diamond:未经加工的钻石,也指有潜力但未展现出来的人或物。

2. diamond in the rough:同上,常用于形容人。

3. diamond jubilee:(英国)钻石庆典,指举行60周年纪念活动。

4. diamond anniversary:钻石纪念日,指结婚60周年纪念日。



1. She wore a beautiful diamond necklace to the wedding.(她在婚礼上戴了一条漂亮的钻石项链。)

2. The diamond was cut and polished to perfection.(这颗钻石被切割和抛光得非常完美。)

3. He's a bit of a rough diamond, but he has a good heart.(他有些粗糙,但他有一颗好心。)

4. They celebrated their diamond anniversary with a trip around the world.(他们用一次环球旅行庆祝了结婚60周年纪念日。)

5. The baseball player ran from first base to third base on the diamond.(棒球运动员在棒球场上从一垒跑到三垒。)

6. The diamond district in New York City is a hub for the diamond trade.(纽约市的钻石交易区是钻石交易的中心。)

7. The Hope Diamond is a famous and valuable gem on display at the Smithsonian Institution.(希望钻石是一件著名的、有价值的宝石,陈列在史密森尼学会。)


1. She wears a diamond ring on her left hand.(她左手戴着一枚钻戒。)

2. The necklace was adorned with numerous small diamonds.(项链上镶嵌着许多小钻石。)

3. The diamond industry is highly competitive.(钻石行业竞争激烈。)

4. They presented her with a diamond-studded tiara.(他们送给她一顶镶有钻石的王冠。)

5. The engagement ring had a single diamond on a gold band.(订婚戒指上有一颗钻石,镶在金色的戒指上。)




例句:♪ I knew that we'd become one ♪ (♪ Shine bright like a diamond ♪ ♪ Shine bright like a diamond ♪)


例句:There's a Neil Diamond concert next month! (下个月有Neil Diamond的演唱会!)


例句:My friend is now in the Blue Diamond Bar. (我朋友现在在Blue Diamond 酒吧.)


例句:This place is Diamond Hill (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}这里就是钻石山)


diamond一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在double diamond([体]双钻石造型跳伞)、doped diamond(掺杂金刚石)、divided diamond([网络] 四等分菱形;菱中加;突角菱形)等常见短语中出现较多。

double diamond[体]双钻石造型跳伞
doped diamond掺杂金刚石
divided diamond[网络] 四等分菱形;菱中加;突角菱形
dispersion of diamond金刚石之色散
dressing diamond金刚石修整笔
false diamond假金刚石
fire diamond[网络] 焰红钻石;血红钻石
flinder diamond假钻石(黄玉)
Florentine diamond[网络] 佛罗伦斯钻石;弗伦提那钻石


1. My friend is now in the Blue Diamond Bar. (翻译:我朋友现在在Blue Diamond 酒吧.)

2. This place is Diamond Hill (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}这里就是钻石山)

3. ♪ shining bright like a diamond ♪ (翻译:♪ Shine bright like a diamond ♪ ♪ Shine bright like a diamond ♪)

4. The diamond is mounted in gold. (翻译:这颗钻石镶在金饰物上。)

5. There have been a rapid development in the areas of the diamond resources prospecting, diamond mineralogy and diamond gemology. (翻译:在金刚石资源勘探、金刚石矿物学、金刚石宝石学研究等方面,都取得了很大的进展。)

6. Solid gold? With diamond eyes? (翻译:全金做的,眼睛要钻石做的好吗 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Solid gold?)

7. The effects of diamond grain sizes on wear resistance ratio of the sintering diamond compacts are investigated. (翻译:研究了金刚石的粒度对烧结体磨耗比的影响;)

8. ♪ I've walked these streets ♪ ♪ In a spectacle of wealth and poverty ♪ # # (翻译:In a spectacle of wealth and poverty In the diamond markets)

9. What's a frozen duck called? (翻译:Some people want diamond rings)

10. Diamond experts said Buxton, which is the world's largest diamond, weighing 478 karats . (翻译:钻石专家巴克斯顿表示,这是世界上最大的钻石之一,重达478克拉。)

11. Laura make-my-day Diamond, people! (翻译:心想事成的Laura Diamond 伙计们!)

12. Detective Laura Diamond from NYPD has an important announcement. (翻译:纽约警局的Laura Diamond警探 有重要事情宣布)

13. This is Marcus Diamond, former Baltimore City Detective. (翻译:这位是Marcus Diamond 前巴尔的摩市警探)

14. Are there any diamond necklace? (翻译:老板,还有没有什么钻石项链吗? 我想看一看)

15. Is that an Australian pink diamond? (翻译:那个是澳洲粉钻么? 是Rosalind?)

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