1. 定义和使用场合
"Power level" 通常用于描述某个事物或者人的能力、实力、强度或其他方面的程度。在不同的语境中,该词可以表示不同的意思和程度,可以代表强大或者弱小。通常用于动漫、电子游戏、科幻小说、电视剧等领域。
2. 修辞手法
"Power level" 也常常被用来作为一种修辞手法,用于强调某个事物或者人的实力或者能力。在这种情况下,这个词被用来强调某个事物或者人的能力,使其更加突出或者引人注目。
3. 模因或者网络文化
"Power level" 也成为一种网络文化或者模因,被广泛的使用在各种社交媒体和讨论区。在这种情况下,它被用来表达某个人的实力、能力等方面的低下,有时甚至指代一个人的智商低下。
以下是5个关于'power level'的中英例句:
1. His power level is off the charts. (他的实力已经突破天际。)
2. The power level of this character is way too high. (这个角色的实力太强了。)
3. I can't believe how low his power level is. (我简直无法相信他的实力这么低。)
4. The power level of the boss in this level is insane. (这个等级的BOSS的实力简直疯狂。)
5. The power level of this video card is amazing. (这张显卡的实力真是不错。)
power level的中文翻译是“功率水平”。读音为páwər ˈlɛvəl。
1. The power level of the engine determines how fast the car can go.(引擎的功率水平决定了汽车能够跑多快。)
2. We need to adjust the power level of the machine to increase efficiency.(我们需要调整机器的功率水平以提高效率。)
3. The power level of the microwave should be set according to the food being heated.(微波炉的功率水平应根据加热的食物来设定。)
power level的意思是"功率电平、功率级",在日常中也代表"最下面是记忆体空间等四种"的意思,读音为[powerlevel],power level常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到38个与power level相关的例句。
Power level的翻译
例句:This is almost approaching a disciplinary level. (已经快到惩戒线了 This is almost approaching a disciplinary level.)
例句:Apply this high-level electric current (在大脑的特定区域 Apply this high -level electric current)
例句:the power to move objects at will. (the power to move objects at will.)
例句:Treason on every page. "Overturn the King, give power to the people." (翻译:give power to the people.)
power level一般作为名词使用,如在equilibrium power level(平衡功率级)、low power level(低功率水平)、maximum power level(最大功率准位)等常见短语中出现较多。
equilibrium power level | 平衡功率级 |
low power level | 低功率水平 |
maximum power level | 最大功率准位 |
microwave power level | 微波功率电平 |
neutron power level | 中子功率准位 |
noise power level | 噪音响度 |
power level control | 功率阶位控制 |
power level detector | 率检测器 |
power level diagram | 功率电平图 |
1. the power to move objects at will. (翻译:the power to move objects at will.)
2. Treason on every page. "Overturn the King, give power to the people." (翻译:give power to the people.)
3. By the power vested in me, (翻译:By the power vested in me,)
4. Uh, do you make federal poverty level wages for a family of six? (翻译:do you make federal poverty level wages for a family of six?)
5. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom. (翻译:这场战争还被设计来增加共产主义的势力到一个它与联合的基督教世界并驾齐驱的水平。)
6. ♪ Something in it had a power ♪ (翻译:# 力量蕴含其中 # # Something in it had a power #)
7. You'll keep your hands to yourself. You keep the decibel level down. (翻译:不准乱动、不准说话 You keep the decibel level down.)
8. Okay, I got it-- level nine government research lab. (翻译:- - level nine government research lab.)
9. - This is a new level of lame. (翻译:This is a new level of lame.)
10. Of course, it runs on song power! (翻译:- Of course, it runs on song power.)
11. I got the money and the power (翻译:I got the money and the power)
12. - Hey, can I level with you? (翻译:can I level with you?)
13. ..A-level results... ..A-level results... (翻译:...A -level 获胜... ...A)
14. What more of a miracle do you want? (翻译:How many teenagers have that power?)
15. I am only a mid-level traffic Boov. (翻译:I am only a mid -level traffic Boov.)